· Chapter Ten ·

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Chapter Ten

Once Maariya stepped away, the queen asked, "When did Issabel tell you?"

"About two days ago," Maariya said, brushing off her dress.

The king and queen shared a glance.

"Mommy and Daddy told us stories about you!" Annia exclaimed, breaking the silence. "They said how you learned how to use a sword and you're gonna help fight a demon."

"Er-yes, well-"

"Cool!" Bucephalus yelled. "I wanna see!"

"Mar's gonna fight a de-mon! Mar's gonna fight a de-mon!" they chanted, giggling and chasing each other out of the room. The queen sent Maariya an apologetic look.

"Maariya, we are sorry," the king said with a small smile. "We never wanted to give you away. We could tell you had great potential. And that you would be special someday."

Maariya smiled back. "Yeah. I understand."

Yacoub cleared his throat. "I hate to interrupt, but can I ask a favor, Your Majesty? Maariya here needs to be trained up in her magic a bit before this whole war thing, y'know? And we were wondering if you could get someone to do that."

"Yes, of course," the king said. "We will start as soon as you both have been rested. You seem very tired."

"Well, it was quite a long drive," the princess said.

"Allow me to lead you to your rooms," the servant that had led them in said. Maariya gave a little awkward wave to her parents before the doors to the throne room closed.

At the end of another hall were three doors. There was a small room for the coachman, a larger room for the prince, and an even larger room for the princess. "To make you feel at home," the man said with a bow, and exited.

Maariya's room had a great bay window that overlooked a sparkling lake. She sat on the bed and looked out at the view, turning to face the door again when she heard Prince Yacoub enter. "Are you going to be alright? Staying here for a while."

"Yeah," she sighed. "It might take a while to get used to. I mean, I've never had siblings before, and even though these people are my family, I know nothing about them. I don't even know them."

"Hey, you'll be fine. You're going to do great during your training. And while you do that, I'll explain the whole situation to the royal family so you don't have to worry about it."

"Such a gentleman," Maariya said in a teasing voice, leaning back until her back was against his chest. He turned her around and kissed her, pressing her gently against the wall.

When they ran out of breath, Maariya lay her head down on the pillow, slipping her shoes off and climbing under the covers. Yacoub stayed above the covers but lay right beside her, his warmth making its way to her through the various sheets and blankets. He held her to him and she could feel his heart beating. Maariya didn't even know when sleep claimed her.


Queen Perchiny Xandura of Druyitch paced the throne room, her shoes scuffing the wood floor. Her husband, Nicolais, held out a calming hand to her and she took it. "What is wrong, my dear?" King Nicolais asked.

"I am...I am worried that our daughter does not like us," the queen confessed. "I mean, we did give her away. And she doesn't know us. But I love her so much. I've missed her. And I want to spend as much time with her as possible. We need her, Nicolais. She's the only one who can protect us."

"Yes, Perchiny. You are right. But after a few days here, Maariya will trust us. We are family, after all." He offered a comforting smile. "It will all be fine. I have complete faith in our daughter. She will be incredible when the time comes."


"Yes, darling?"

"When this is all over. Do you...do you think she'll stay with us? Or will she want to go back to her 'parents' in Everland?"

"There is no way to tell, Perchiny. She was raised there, after all. She probably feels a special connection with the place. And its king and queen. She has thought of them as her parents for sixteen years now."

Queen Perchiny fell into his arms and wept. The king held her for as long as it took for her to calm down, all the while becoming more upset himself.


Maariya tried to roll over but found that she couldn't. Someone was holding her, their arms wrapped around her torso. She began to squirm, but whoever was holding her was too strong. She made a fist and punched out behind her.

"Ow!" a voice cried. The arms were removed.

"Oh! Yacoub! I'm so sorry, I thought you were somebody kidnapping me! I forgot where we were." She was out of breath, laughing slightly. "Sorry," she said again.

"It's okay," he said, laughing a bit himself. "Hey, why don't I go back to my room? I don't think I'd want your parents knowing I was in here last night." Without another word, the prince was gone.

A woman servant poked her head into the room a few minutes later. "Good, you're awake! You are to start your lessons in magic today. Are you ready?" Maariya nodded. "Great! Why don't you get dressed and ready to go, then?"


Queen Lorraine of Everland rolled over in her sleep. Tossing and turning, she couldn't seem to get comfortable. She eventually sat up and got out of bed, walking over to the windows to get a breath of fresh air.

A sudden darkness swept overhead, coming to a stop right in front of the queen. She took a startled step back, and the creature reached out a large hand and muffled her scream.

"Silence, Queen," it said in a gravelly voice. "Now, you will listen to me. I have been watching your daughter, the princess-heir. She knows that you are not her true mother. She is now in Druyitch with her real family."

Lorraine struggled to get out of its grip, but it was too strong. The thing, the darkness, kept talking. "If you want me to leave her alone for one more week, you will let me inhabit your body. I shall learn the ways of your court. I shall learn how to act human. I will need it. And you," it hissed, "will remain silent. It'll be our little secret. Will you do it? For your princess?"

The queen nodded.

The thing smiled. "Wonderful." And it rushed right at her. Lorraine froze as it swept through her, claiming her, claimed her body as its own. And when she moved again, the demon moved with her.


Chapter Ten of Everland by MaraudersPotterhead

Published at 2:20 p.m. on November 7th

1131 words

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Oh no! Lorraine!

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Everland √Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora