· Chapter Six ·

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Chapter Six

The queen's plan wasn't working.

She had wanted to keep the girl's heritage a secret during her stay at the castle of Frwen, but then she and Jarawyn had decided that it would be easier to get her as an ally if she knew.

So the queen took a deep breath and began talking.


"Long ago," Queen Issabel said to Maariya. The princess slouched a bit in her seat. Was this going to become another history lesson? The queen gave her a knowing look, and Maariya sat up straighter. Issabel nodded her approval. "Long ago, these three kingdoms were not so peaceful.

"As a child, you were told that there hadn't been a war for five hundred years. This is false. In fact, we'd all been feuding up until the day you were born.

"My kingdom, Frwen; and the kingdom you were raised in, Everland; were allies against Druyitch. There was something wrong with the trade, and the three of us kingdoms couldn't compromise. So war broke out. Again. And we were all getting, well, sick of it. So Everland formulated a plan.

"One day, an ambassador from Everland made his way to Druyitch and demanded that they give him one thing. You."

"Me?" Maariya yelled. "How? I was born in Everland!"

"Shh, child. I am not done yet. No, you were not born in Everland. In fact, Queen Lorraine and King Dratensen are not your parents at all. Your real parents are the king and queen of Druyitch."

"My parents would never lie to me!" the princess exclaimed.

"But they did. The ambassador said that King Dratensen would trade. The royal baby for peace. And the rulers of Druyitch accepted. They were the least tolerant of war out of all three kingdoms.

"So, the baby was brought back to Lorraine and Dratensen. They had tried constant times for a child and could never have one. You were all they needed."

"So I've been the one preventing war this whole time?" Maariya asked. She was more confused than ever.

The queen nodded. "Oh, yes. It was always you. So, you are really the true heir to the throne of Druyitch. Ever since your real parents traded you, they couldn't have another child. But they put up with it."

"So...am I the heir of Everland or Druyitch?"

"Both, my dear. You are the heir to two thrones."

Maariya let that sink in. Her beloved parents were never really hers. They had lied to her for sixteen years. Her whole life. "So...who else knows? That I'm not a Vandurangen?"

"Just your real parents, the king and queen of Everland, myself, and Jarawyn. We all decided to keep it a secret from the common folk for fear of an uprising."

"So...why tell me all this now? I could have gone on and lived my normal life without knowing." Maariya now spoke in a harsh, clipped tone.

"Because there is something coming, Princess Maariya. Something big. And when it does come, all three kingdoms need you."

"Me? Why?"

"Because of your magic. Everyone born in Druyitch has magical capabilities. Didn't you ever learn the history of all three kingdoms?"

Maariya shook her head, dumbfounded. "No. Just Everland's history."

"Exactly. So, now you know. You are the magical, powerful heir to the throne of Druyitch." The queen sat back in her seat, satisfied. "You have proven to have the most magic of all. Without you, we cannot win again this... this demon that is coming. That is why I tell you this now. You are the only one who can protect us."

"W...what about Darawn? Do you have any idea what happened to him?"

The queen sighed sadly. "As a matter of fact, I do. My poor, näive son. He told me that, one night, in the dark of his room, a shadow appeared at his window. He went over to it, and it spoke to him. It told him that it was coming. That is was powerful. That it had an army. And, that it would come in right now to begin it's work.

"Now, my son, being so brave and foolish, said that he would do anything to prevent the demon from assassinating his family. So he ended up selling his soul to the devil, per say. He became possessed by a part of the demon so it could learn our ways. So it could plan it's attack, but leave us alone for this long."

Maariya's heart broke. Darawn didn't choose to do it! He had only wanted to protect his people. She should never have killed him. "I...I'm so sorry, Your Majesty. If I had known..."

Issabel waved off the apology with a flap of her hand. "No, my dear. There was nothing you could have done. He was far too gone."

"Then...why hadn't you killed him before?"

"Because the demon said it would come a week after Darawn died. If not before."


"Yes. It will be coming soon. Very soon."

"And it's my fault."

"No. I will not let you think that, Princess. It would have come anyways, no matter what. With you, we can all be safe. Frwen needs you, Maariya."

Maariya stood up. "Oh, I see. You just want me to protect you. Well, I will, but I won't forget about the other kingdoms as well. Even if my parents lied to me, I still love them. And I will always protect them."

The queen sighed again. "Very well, my dear. I thank you for your bravery. You may go back to your rooms now."


As soon as the princess was gone, the queen rubbed her temples. She had originally wanted the girl for herself. Issabel had always wished to rule all three kingdoms, and if she won the war against the demon, the other royal families would happily give up their thrones.

She had told the girl the absolute truth, if not only to get her to trust her. But it appeared that it did not work.

Oh, well. She still had the girl's protection. In the end, she could win the thrones another way.


Chapter Six of Everland by MaraudersPotterhead

Published at 8:04 a.m. on November 6th

1026 words

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