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Remember this is my imagination not everything will be true, like some of the affects of CAD will not be true it's what I think so please enjoy & let me know what you think!!!!!
Bella's POV
"Alright darling your done for the day, your check will be in the mail by Monday" Claire my photographer spoke.

Grabbing my things I headed out.

"Bella how was the shoot today" paparazzi questioned as I opened the driver side door of my car.

I just waved & left I wasn't being selfish I just wanted to get home to see Rascal my rescued puppy.

(Skip the drive)

Locking my car I headed in to see Rascal laying on his bed, "hey boy Mommy's home" I spoke as I sat my purse & phone down.

His tail wagged as I scratched behind his ear.

"Let's go outside" I spoke excitedly as I opened up the back door, next thing you know he's chasing a squirrel.

Once the squirrel hit the fence he stopped & growled "maybe next time" I laughed as he came waltzing back in.

Grabbing a treat out of the can't singer I tossed it then opened the fridge to grab myself some food isn't that what life is all about, food?

It's a joke life is about more than food, I try to be comical I think I'm a funny person 1 out of 10 maybe a 6.

Once I finished eating cake I headed upstairs.

Wasn't much cake it was a left over piece from my cousins birthday party last night, stripping out of my clothes I got in the shower.

(Skip Shower cause I'm lazy 😆)

After showering I sat down on my bed & grabbed my laptop, I headed straight to Facebook I'm like obsessed with it I don't know why?

I just like to see what people are doing, I like to see if I done what other people have done, moments later Rascal joined me.

I didn't have much notifications.

But one thing caught my eye it was a add about an all boys Orphanage, shrugging I clicked the add.

The first thing I saw was an paragraph about what the all boys orphanage was about, which I didn't read.

Clicking on the adoptable's, there were about 8 boys that were ready to be adopted, it was weird as if they were dogs.

Looking at each boy they were all under the age of 15 that be kind of weird to be only twenty three & have a son that close to your age.

My opinion though other people may like it, looking at another boy his name was Justin he seemed a bit older but he was so adorable.

Clicking his name I smiled not only was he adorable he was a lot older than 15 he was 22 why is he still there?

I asked myself as I read the paragraph that was about him, he has CAD wow poor thing it must sick especially when your autistic.

If you look at him he seems perfectly fine, nice body cute face but on the inside he was sick with a deadly disease.

Looking down there was a GoFundMe.Com sign I clicked it to see if anyone donated, and I was shocked 42 million dollars were donated.

He was all over Facebook when I exited the adoption site, I guess people are just now noticing his condition.

Let's stop talking about Trump & Clinton & worry more about this helpless boy, looking around for the address I finally found it.

2482 WillBeery St.

I'll go check it out tomorrow I thought as I closed my computer & laid my head back hopefully I could take a peaceful nap.

But that was disrupted when my mother called, "what mother I'm trying to take a nap" I joked as I sat back up.

"Turn the tv on & go to the news" my mother yelled before hanging up, what's on repeat news that she wants me to see.

Oh god did Trump win the election (no offense to any Trump voters) turning the news on it was about a fire at an orphanage.

Why does this seem to be so surreal I mean I was just looking at this orphanage and now a orphanage burnt down?

"This just happened the local boys orphanage just burnt down an electrical fire all the boys are fine and adoption is still proceeding."

The news announcer spoke god he was annoying, he walked away to the boy all of them were familiar especially one, Justin.

He was breathing heavy like he seemed to be panting from the heat, he sat on the blanket they have gave him.

He was adorable I mean who wouldn't help this boy, seconds later a lady took him into a restaurant I guess it's way to hot for him.

I turned the tv off then went to bed even though it was 3:30 I was tired and I didn't have anything else to do today.

Closing my eyes I finally fell asleep thinking about Justin.
How was chapter one?
Was it okay?
Is it to short?
Who feels bad for Justin?

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This is Rascal 👇🏼

  This is Rascal 👇🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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