remove your hands from your eyes

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••||Tate's POV||••

I looked at her as she slept. She looked so peaceful. I moved her hair out of he face and got up to go to her window. I might as well leave now since she feel asleep. But at the same time I just want to be with her. Even tho I'm not going to sleep, I want to be next with her.

I laid down in bed with her and cuddled with her. She was the little spoon and i was the big spoon. My hand holding hers. She was so delicate to me. One wrong move she'll break.

I just wish I could tell her she means a lot to me. Even tho she's not what my mom expects I still love her. I'm just lucky how I met her.

I'm just glad shes alive. My eyes were starting to close but I know I was going to wake up in a few minutes. Sleep was never something I got, I would get some sleep but that would be when I took my meds.


"Babe wake up." I heard her mumble. I hummed in response, I had to pretend I was asleep. She doesn't know.

"My dad is making breakfast want to join us?" She asked and I sat up.


"Okay, just look presentable then walk out so I can change." I smile and he nodded.

"Wait why presentable?"

"His 'girlfriend' is eating with us apparently." He nodded and went into the bathroom. I looked in my closet and decided to wear some black jeans with a V neck marron shirt. I put on my locket my dad gave me and tied my hair up and did a bun. Putting my bags off to the side. I heard the shower water go off and silence.

Tate usually had spare cloths in the bathroom and got to shower in my shower.


"That's so cute so you guys technically known each other for three years?" Halsey smiled and Patrick tried to smile.

"Is that so?" My dad asked me and I grinned.

"Yeah, But tell us about you guys." I say and see Tate eating quietly. He seemed to be zoned out.

"Well your dad here happened to be at the wrong time but right place." She smiled and I looked to look at Tate and he was texting someone. He seemed distracted.

I nodded and kept listing to how they meet. Apparently my dad went to a bar and found Halsey getting hurt by this guy. Shes turned to be okay and when I was with Tate, she came over at our house...

"I'm going to the bathroom while your dad is paying." Halsey excused herself and I looked at Tate.

"What's up with you?" I sneered and he looks at me.

"Nothing. Look I need to go there's this thing I need to take care of. Don't even ask cause I told you my crazy life does not spread." He kissed my forehead and got up and left.

I went on my phone and checked my grades. Fuck I can't wait for my dad to see these. I saw my dad sit on the other side of the booth and he looked at me.

"Where's Tate?"

"He had to go." I whispered and he nodded.

"You don't mind if I leave you at home for a whole day?"

"Well I'm usually alone either ways." I mumble and he frowns.

"I'm sorry- I-I can I just go home I don't feel okay." I confess.

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