Never Change

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I kept running until I reached a house. It was cold outside and pouring rain. I was tired and really cold.

Tate opened the door and looked confused then took me inside the house as quickly. I was greeted with the smell of hot chocolate and pizza. He kept asking me questions to why I was outside but I ignored him and curled up with the title he gave me to get warm. My teeth chartering.

Tate's POV

I want to know why. When I opened the door I saw Carter standing in front of me. She looked tired. Her cloths wet. Her eyes blood shot red. She had bags and she looked more place then usual. I looked at her confused, she hadn't been at school nor near me in these past days and all of sudden she appears at my door step. She looked well an utter mess. More of a mess then before.

I got her in the house quickly getting a towel or blanket quickly for her. I wrapped it around her and started asking her questions but stopped when I saw she zoned out. I sat in front of her and lifted her head up so she looked me into the eyes.

She kept looking away from me so I connected our lips together. She didn't move but stayed still. She wasn't herself.

"What happened?" I whispered and she hugged me. I heard her cries.

I moved her slightly and found that she had fallen asleep. I nudged her elbow to wake her up. She can't sleep with these wet cloths.

"Carter wake up."

She hummed in response. "You gotta get out of these cloths."

She went back to sleep. I went to my room and got a pair of boxers and my sweatshirt. I got some skinny jeans and went back downstairs. Oh god. I mean we have had sex but this was totally different.

I took off her shoes and started to get her dressed. I took off her underwear and put mine on hers. After I finished I put the cloths in the washing machine so they get cleaned up. I placed a blanket on top of her and let her sleep.

"Tate who's cloths are in the washer?" My asked as she walked into the living room.

"Carter's." I say and she looks around then her eyes land on the couch.

"Dear lord the child looks like hell! Go get my kit." She scolded me and I saw her walk to the couch. Her hand touched her forehead to cheek for a fever.

"She colder then a popsicle stick." She told and tried to wake her up.

"Dolly wake up please." I went up the stairs and to my mom's study room. My mom was a nurse for an elementary school. I got her kit and walked out the room closing the door and walking down the stairs.


"Poor child is starving." My mom told me as I put my comic book down. I looked at Carter sitting at the dinner table eating a bowl of soup my mom gave her.

"I know, hey mom can I tell you something?"

"What is it?" She puts her stuff back in a bag and I look back at Carter to see if she would be listing in.

"I really love her, mom." I whisper and she smiles.

"Have you told her." She sat down next to me and I nodded.

"But um it kinda slipped out when we got in a fight." I told and she pated my hand.

"Love." She sighed and I giggled. I hugged her and she hugged back. She hesitated from letting go and then left the room. I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. I looked at Carter. She was so beautiful. We'll beautiful to me. I just love her smile. The way her eyes get me intrigued. He giggle and laugh. Oh and the cute sneeze she has. I also love when she smiles, dimples appear.

I was lucky enough to be with her but to lose her was tragic.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked me and put her bowl in the sink. I washed it for her and heard the washer go off.

"You should probably get changed into your cloths." I tell her and she looked at herself.

"Or I can keep these and take mine with me." She smiled and I laughed.

"Okay, get your shoes in. I'll be in the car." I grabbed my car keys and looked at her one more time. I smiled to myself and walked out the house.

Carter's POV

I tied my shoes up and looked around the house. Tate's mom was so kind to me and so polite. She was like my m. I frowned to what I just said. My mom was dead. I got up and walked out the house closing the door. I walked to the car and opened the passenger side door. I closed it and it locked.

"My mom says she saw some new scars. Can I see them?" He asked me and I looked at him. Is he serious. I sighed loudly and pulled up the sleeve. He took my arm and moved the writs bands around my wrist. He looked away from the road and at my wrist. Hus finger traced the scars. He looked back at the road but decided to hold my wrist just tracing circles on the scars I had made myself.

It was silent for the majority of the car ride besides the music playing through the radio. He pulled up slowly by my house and he put his blinker to park. I looked to find the Halsey's car was parked next to my dads car. I got out once he turned off the car. He followed but I kinda rushed to the door. I grabbed the keys to the house and opened the door. With one swing I see my dad on his phone disparately trying to call someone that won't answer. Was it me?

I saw Halsey light up a little once she saw me.

"See Patrick no need to worry." She reassured him and I looked at Tate before running to my dad hugging him.

I'm so stupid. I cried and kept a grasp on my dads jacket. I didn't want to let go. I heard Halsey say thank you to Tate. He cleared his throat and looked at us.

"I know this is the wrong time but um I-I just need to ask something?" Tate told nervously and I looked at my dad.

"Go ahead." My dad spoke and I stayed still.

"Can I have your permission to say I love you Carter." He told and I smiled. My dad looked at me.

"I don't know if you would like me to beat your ass." My uncle Pete spoke from behind me and I jumped. Oh my god why is he here.

"Relax Pete. I accept his permission but I feel bad for him if he leaves her." My dad kissed my head and left us in the living room alone.

I looked at Tate. He looked back with a shy smile.

"Are you serious?"

He nodded and I ran up to him. I jumped up and hugged him. My legs wrapping around his waist and my arms around his neck. I kissed his cheek and said it back.

I love you

Finally I got to say it. Maybe we're just having to much. I started at him and kissed his lips. I closed my eyes and we kept at it for a while until I heard someone cough.

"Hands up north kid." Pete told and my feet touched the floor again. I stood up straight but hid my blushing face in Tate's leather jacket.

"Well do sir." He solutes Gina and we laugh.

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