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I moved quickly passed the halls trying to get to my class before I got pushed back and my back hit the lockers harshly.

Fuck I screamed inside my head. I hissed at the pain and opened my watery eyes to see Brianna.

"Is the mute going to cry?" She scoffed and I frowned. I stayed silent and she pushed me again.

"Speak!" She shouted and that caught the attention of some people. I wish Tate came to this school.

"L-leave me me a-alone." I wanted to yell but it came out as a whisper.

"Aw cat caught your tongue?" Brianna tossed her hair to one side and I let out some tears. I hated this bitch.
She shoved me again into the lockers more hard and I swear my back hurt so badly.

Before she left she dropped my texts books plus my notebook on the floor letting papers scatter all over like my thoughts. I kneeled down to pick them all up. I strolled to class trying to delay getting there. I had art next but my teacher wouldn't mind me be late. I shoved my things in my bag and pulled out a sketch book and walked into the classroom. Everyone looked at me and I looked down and walked to the back of the class. The corner where I belonged.

I looked to see Mr.Way looking at me and wrote my name on the board for detention. I groaned in the inside and wrote notes on what he was saying. Soon the bell rang and I sat at my desk still cause lunch was right now. Mr.Way closed the door and signaled for me to sit in front so I did. Keeping my sleeves as low as possible. I blew my bangs to the side so I can see and sat at a desk.

"Why were you late his time?" He asked and I stayed silent. I pulled a piece of paper and wrote down cause I wanted to.

"That's not true Carter. I know you love this class and your past teacher always told me you were the first to be in this class before anyone." He responded with no hesitation and I rolled my eyes.

Yeah but now is a new year. New me.

"To acting like what an idiot? To what?" He looked at me for an answer and sighed when I wasn't going to talk.

"I'm done with this Carter, I'm calling your dad right now." He pressed his finger to his temple and took the phone into his hand and searched my dad's number on his computer before dialing.

I knew my dad wouldn't answer and I hope to god he doesn't. But god didn't hear my prayers and dad picked up. At least I hope he did.

"Hello is this Patrick....Stump." Mr.Way briefly stopped to look at the last name. I tapped my finger nails on the desk and waited for an eternity.

"Okay I'll see you in a but then sorry to call like this when tour busy......yes she's here in class.....I can excuse her to go eat but I doubt she will." He frowned at that and he was right. I wasn't going to eat I usually hung out in the band room alone or in this classroom. I sighed out loud and he placed the phone back in place.

"Your dad is coming in a bit anything you gotta say before he gets here?" He told and I shook my head.

God I am so in denial in not telling them what's happening. I speak to dad and Tate. More like stutter but not as much anymore. Fuck I don't even speak with anyone. I wrote something on a paper and gave it to him.

"Sure Carter just no music." He gave me back the note and I took out my phone and texted Pete.

Carter: where are you?

Pete: in the car next to your dad heading to your school?

Carter: wait really!!!!

Pete: yeah why? What did you do?

Carter: nothing just never mind sorry.

Pete: you okay dolly?

I clicked on the power button and left him on read. I put my phone on my desk and looked out the window. I saw the jocks playing some catch with the football. I loved to play that sport until they mae fun of how a girl can never play a guy sport.

"M-mr w-way c-can I I  tell y-you something." I mumbled and he strained to hear me. More like show but I didn't want to speak. He walked near my table to hear me better and I rolled up my sleeves and turned my arm around to let him see what I've done. He stayed silent and his face was focused on the marks. So focused I swear I hated it. I pulled my sleeves back down and he looked at me. Pity?

"Why?" He croaked out.

I wrote on the same piece of paper. Don't tell my dad please. I beg of you just don't tell him and I'll tell you why if you just lie to him.

He looked like he was thinking over what I said. He disagreed tho. Now I'm in more trouble. Especially with Pete being my uncle and having experience with this shit.

I heard a knock at the door and I crumbled the paper up and tossed it into the trash can and score!! I smiled at that and Mr.Way went to open the door. I saw the vice principal walk my dad and Pete into the classroom and left. I'm going to call my teacher Gerard cause that his name and I really don't like Mr.Way. Gerard locked the door and faced my two 'parents'. What Pete was like a mom to me.....

"Take a seat Mr.stump and you are?" He took his hand out to shake Pete's hand which he did shake.

"I'm Pete uncle of Carter." He responded and I gulped.

"So what brings us to school?" My dad cleared up his voice and I shivered. God I was in deep trouble. Should I just cry now or what. I took in a deep breath of air and sniffed. Shit there goes my sign of guilty and knowing I will break if they find out.

I'm not breaking like last time. I'm not letting my dad down again.

"Miss Carter has been late to my class several times, she has come to class before with marks on her that were not there before and has left in the middle of class without me telling her,  to um panic. Today she came late and denied to tell me why she was late and gave me this." He passed my dad the note I was writing on and Patrick looked at it and I tapped my fingers again. One. Two. One. Two. One. Two.

"Believe me sir she has never acted this way." Patrick trailed off and almost let out a whimper. He knew what was going on be he wanted to be strong. There had only been one time when I had been acting like this and that was when I got in a severe depression. So bad that I hated everyone and everything. I recall telling my dad I was going to kill myself and not caring if he suffered. That I wanted him gone and not to come back to me. To leave me to suffer. Of course he didn't and ended up helping me a lot through life. He stayed strong.

"She um also showed me some things that is concerning." Gerard moved to his side.

"That would be?" Pete chimed in and I let a tear slip from the side they can't see and gave signals to Gerard not to tell.

"She showed me some marks before you came. Um I do think you know what I mean but I believe she may be depressed. She has shown a lot of signs of it. Leaving my class with tears streaming down her face, not eating, she does smoke, she's always alone, and well kids around here call her a mute." Gerard finished off and I let out a whimper into my sleeve and they all looked at me.

"Stop looking at me!" I yelled out frustrated and started to cry. The tears wouldn't stop and all I could feel was the warm hug that my dad gave me. Pete and Gerard where talking separately outside but I stayed with my dad motionless.

"Carter please tell me this isn't true. Please please." He demanded to know but I let out more tears and I nodded.

"I don't want you to leave me again carter, I need you here with me to keep me happy. I need you to be okay so we can be okay." He mumbled into my shoulder and I hugged him tighter. I hated seeing my dad like this. I screwed up again.

"D-dad I I didn't m-mean to hurt anyone but m-myself." I stuttered and he kept shushing me to calm and let me cry. They cared for me. Why?

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