Nodding his head, Taylor left.

"Sir, the phone has been ringing off the hook. The editors of all the magazines want an exclusive interview with the couple..uhh..ex-couple." Informed Matthew.

"Matt, just go attend to the fucking calls, and tell those fucking people to leave us the fuck alone!" Fumed David, losing his calm demeanour.

Matthew walked out of his boss' cabin, leaving just David, Liam and Alexander in the room.

"Why the hell was the media informed of this? Do you know what sort of effect it will have on the Parker name?!" Liam shouted.

Having had enough, Alexander went up to Liam and punched him in the face. Satisfied with the sound of a resounding crack, Alexander grabbed Liam's collar again and slammed his back against the wall.

"Now listen to me and listen to me good, you bastard. You and I both know that it's because of you that Emilia called off the engagement. So, I'll ask you for the last time, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" Alexander said in a low tone, enunciating each word.

When Liam didn't answer, Alexander was about to punch him again, but David stopped him.

"Alex, control yourself, son. Let's wait for Ems to come back."

Reining his temper with difficulty, Alexander removed his hands from Liam, resulting in him sliding down the wall and falling on his whiny ass with a thump.

"Wimp." Alexander scoffed, sparing a disgusted look at Liam.

"Liam, I'll suggest you to not make any statements till we've had a talk with Emilia. It'll be better that way. And please shut the door on your way out." Dismissing him, David turned to Alexander.

"Let's take a deep breath and calm down, son. There's no point jumping to conclusions right now. We'll continue with this matter upon her return." Even though David was calm, Alexander could sense a hint of worry in his tone.

Acquiescing, Alexander paced the length of the office, calling Emilia again.


Out of the suddenness, Emilia couldn't respond to the kiss. But with Christopher's taut and well-built body pressed up against hers, she got over her shock and kissed him back with equal fervour.

The kiss was steamy, passionate and downright sexy. Losing themselves in the kiss, Christopher pulled her more firmly against his body, removing even an inch of space from between them. Emilia responded by grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling on it, and was gifted by a low sexy growl.

He licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance and she kept her mouth shut. Christopher then bit on Emilia's bottom lip, but she still denied him and smirked into the kiss when she heard him growl lowly in frustration.

Christopher then pulled her closer, pushing his hard-on against her pelvis, earning a gasp from her. Responding immediately, he plunged his tongue in her mouth, wanting to taste her. After a few moments of tongue-battling and Christopher winning, Emilia came up for air. But, Christopher just trailed kisses along her jaw, placing butterfly kisses down her jaw to her neck. He continued kissing his way down, and started sucking, biting and licking on the exposed part of her upper breast, earning him the sexiest sound he'd ever heard...a moan from her. That got him out of the trance and he took a step back and looked at her. Her eyes had darkened and lips were swollen. A look which he was sure was similar to his.

"As tempting as..." His voice sounded husky, even to his own ears. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "As tempting as the deal sounds, I would like to alter something."

"And that would be..?" Emilia asked, still dazed from the kiss.

"To be honest, I don't think a single night with your sexy self would be enough to quench my desire. So, I would like to offer you my body for the entire weekend, and would ask you to do the same. Come Monday morning, we can walk our separate ways." As much as Christopher wanted to actually get to know her and flaunt her by taking her out on dates, he could see the guarded look in her eyes, and knew that she would refuse. This was his only option to get her to spend more time with him, and maybe even persuade her for a couple of dates. Keeping this in mind he continued, "But let me tell you one thing, there will not only be a kiss goodbye, but also goodbye sex. If you're fine with my counter offer, we can continue this upstairs and I can assure you that we will have an unforgettable weekend filled with the steamiest sex two people can ever have."

Christopher extended his hand waiting, no, hoping for her to take it. He could see the internal battle going on in her eyes.

When she came to a decision, instead of taking his hand, Emilia stepped closer to him and discretely grabbed him through his pants. Christopher's body went rigid, eyes squeezed shut; a loud moan just wanting to come out of his mouth. Instead, he clenched his jaw and inhaled sharply, aware of the entire bar eyeing them. He was just glad that the view of his muscled back blocked any and every part of this Goddess from the prying eyes.

Smirking at his reaction, Emilia inched closer to his ear and whispered, "Deal's on."

It took all of his will power to not tear her dress off and take her against the wall right then and there. And then again, across the bar top. And then...there were an endless list of places against, and on, which Christopher wanted to fuck this seductress.

Christopher placed a hand around her waist, wanting to feel her against him, and said, "Let's get going, baby."

Emilia raised a brow at the endearment and looked at him. He just shrugged and nonchalantly answered, "Since you are not going to give me your name, be prepared for a weekend filled with all sorts of endearments, sweetheart."

Seeing Emilia open her mouth to protest, he gave her a chaste kiss, silencing her and said, "It's non-negotiable. You either give me your name, or get used to it, babygirl."

Huffing, Emilia walked up to the elevator, ignoring Christopher's tingling chuckle.

Entering the lift, Christopher was about to punch in the code for them to be taken to his Presidential Suite, when Emilia interrupted him, "Could we stop at my floor to collect a few things first?"

"Like what?"

"Clothes, and..."

"What do you want your clothes for?"

Emilia just stared at him blankly.

"I can assure you of one thing, darling, you will not be requiring any clothes this weekend. I want you naked. All. The. Time." Christopher said.. and seriously at that too.

By now, Emilia was dripping wet.

Christopher was about to kiss her, but was interrupted by the ding of the elevator. Thinking they'd reached his floor, he was about to lead her to his suite. But as the doors opened wide, he realized that in the midst of their conversation, he forgot to punch in the code. Damn.

He pulled Emilia to one corner with him and saw two men in their early thirties enter. They were blatantly checking her out, their eyes trained on her chest, resulting in a low growl like sound to emanate from Christopher. He was seeing red and was about to teach them a lesson, but was stopped by the beauty at his side. Emilia pressed herself against him, trying to calm him down. It seemed to have worked. The moment the two perverts got out at their floor, Christopher punched in the code and waited for them to reach his suite.


Nick Bateman. Damn. *swooning* 

What a hottieee!

Undone By His Touch *On Hold & Undergoing Major Editing*Where stories live. Discover now