"Who's Dark Alpha?" Snotlout asked as he thought of how stupid the name sounded.

"He the brother of our leader" Said Barf

"Who thinks we should kill the dragons and take Berk for ourselves," Belch also explained.

"He think he's important, the best, and wants to control this island" Hookfang said from his seat.

"Dark Alpha will stop at nothing to start a war" Stormfly looked at the group, "It's a good thing Ice Spitter is still in charge."

"So he's like Drago" Fishlegs thought how this guy sounded a lot like their most hated hybrid.

"Drago?" Hookfang chuckled at the name.

"Ya, Drago Bludvist" Tuffnut clarified.

"You never want to get in the way of Drago Bludvist" Ruffnut stated.

"Drago Bludvist believes that Hybrids are at top of the list, while Vikings are...welllllll" Snoutlout squished his foot into the sand to prove his point.

"So we both have really bad guys, who will do nothing but try to destroy each other" Hiccup simplified. "Great"

"Well, we can't let Shock Shooter see all of you" Toothless got of his seat as he made is way in front of the hybrid. "Who knows what he'll do if he sees all of you"

They all thought for a minute, but were brought out when they heard the sound of footsteps. Looking to the doorway, they saw shadowy figures heading their way.

"I hear something this way"

"But sir, it's dark in there"

"Get in here NOW!"

Hiccup put his finger to his lips to silence the group. They all looked at him and saw the Night Fury point to the ceiling. The group understood what to do as they all separated.

In the doorway stood none other than Shock Shooter himself along with three other Vikings. The scanned around the cave before their eyes met with Toothless and his gang.

"Oh Toothless, what are you doing here?" Shock Shooter crossed his arms and leaned against the walls

"We could ask you the same question" Stormfly want to yell at Shock Shooter but Toothless held her back.

"My father explores up here and decided that I could help him explore the upper parts of the island" Toothless explained to Shock Shooter and his men, "We're just making base camp for the night when you so roughly interrupted us"

"Base camp?" Shock Shooter didn't buy it. He looked around as he saw there was no camping gear inside the empty stone cavern.

"We were going to get the rest of our gear" Meatlug stepped in "You caught us when we finally found a place to stay for the night"

"u-huh and where is Cloudjumper? I would so love to talk to him" Shock Shooter smiled evilly at them. He knew they were hiding something.

"He's out hunting." Hookfang chimed in.

Toothless and the rest wanted to strangle Hookfang for saying that.

"Hunting" Shock Shooter stared at them in disbelief, "Why didn't he take any of you fine Viking warriors with you"

"You know why Shock Shooter" Toothless want to smack this guy in the face, but right now, they had to keep their cool. "The forest is dense and the fog is thick. Most of us could get hurt since we are so unexperienced with this terrane."

"Or maybe....it's because you're all such terrible Viking warriors" Shock Shooter mocked. He knew that they were lying and if they were going to lie then he would hit their pride to make them tell the truth.

And it did strike deep at Toothless pride. Everyone knew that Toothless wanted to be just as brave as Cloudjumper. So when Shock Shooter said that Toothless was weak, he meant that Cloudjumper was embarrassed to have him along.

Toothless reached for his dagger when Stormfly stopped him. He let out a breath as he tried to calm down. "Are you finished?"

Shock Shooter grew bored, "For now" He got off the wall and turned his back to the group.

Toothless and the group looked up at the ceiling. Up above them, were all the dragon hybrids. They had used their claws as a way to grab onto the ceiling and stay there. One of them, Fishlegs, tried readjust himself when he made a pebble dislodge itself and fall to the ground.

It made a soft plop on the ground, but caused Shocker Shooter to turn around with his crossbow, "What was that!?"

"Hey Shock Shooter, how I ever told you that you make one hel of a Berserker" Hookfang quickly turned Shock Shooter around as he placed his arm over the Purple hair Viking's shoulder.

"Get your hands off of me" Shock Shooter twisted Hookfangs arm off of him and dropped him to the floor. He rubbed his hand clean on his armor. "Enjoy you little entourage Tooth-less"

The group watched Shock Shooter and his band leave. Once they were gone, the hybrid dropped to the floor one by one.

"Man," Astrid dusted herself off. "He's as bad as Dagur"

"You're kidding me" Hiccup looked deadpan at Astrid "Dagur is still alive"

It was hard to believe that the deranged little kid that had always tormented him when he was a kids, could somehow be alive and well on Berk. Hiccup was silently hoping that the guy would get hurt or locked in a cage somewhere.

"I know right" Snotlout dropped to the floor.

"You used to want to be like him," Fishlegs mocked Snotlout from above. The Gronckle hybrid tried to dislodge one of his claws from the ceiling. When he did, he fell to the ground, on top of Snotlout. Fishlegs chuckled to himself as he got off him. "You couldn't wait to be juuuuuust like him"

"Ya, it wasn't until after he lost you in the Tunnels of Whispers, did you change your mind about him." Tuffnut flipped down to the ground with ease. He and his sister were used to being upside down.

"You should be very lucky that my brother and I love playing in those tunnels" Ruffnut mockingly waved a disapprovingly finger at Snotlout.

Snotlout grew angrily as he was about to chase after the twins when he was grabbed by the neck of his shirt by Hookfang. He tried to reach for them but was lifted off the ground before he could get free.

"What are you thinking Hiccup?" Astrid watched as Hiccup became lost in thought about their situation.

"It's going to get a lot worse if we just keep hiding like this." Hiccup tried to think of a solution.

"What are you thinking, Hiccup?" Toothless had a feeling he knew where this was going.

"We need to have our chiefs talk to each other one on one. No armada, no army. Just a simple talk" Hiccup exclaimed.

"Oh ya, that's going to be possible." Snotlout mocked. "Hey Stoick you know those Vikings that killed your son and wife, well their fine and hiding out on their ialsnd. Oh and let's not forget that your son was kidnapped by one of them"

"Snotlout, that's a bit harsh" Astrid did not want to admit that that was true.

"No, no. Snotlout is right"

"I am?" Snotlout could not believe that Hiccup was siding with him.

"That's why I'm gonna go with you" Hiccup stated.

The group shouted and gasped in disbelief at what they heard Hiccup say.

"Are you crazy!?"

"You'll be killed by Drago if he found out you alive" Fishlegs tried to reason with Hiccup.

"That's is why I'm going to wear a disguise" Hiccup pulled out pieces of clothing out.

They all looked at Hiccup in disbelief. But they all knew they had no choice. It was getting closer and closer to ragnarok with each passing day. They just hoped their chiefs could see reason.

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