Chapter 4

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Three days.

Three days and nothing has changed in the house that belonged to Toothless and his little hybrid guest, Hiccup. Hiccup still remand under the bed, while Toothless walked around the house. The black haired Viking would feed the little guy food and would check on him once in a while to make sure he was okay.

Toothless did question if the little dragon boy would ever come out. His questions were answered one day when he came back from his shopping to see a few thing rearranged. The little hybrid must have been more confident in coming out when Toothless wasn't there.

It made sense if he thought about it. Toothless must have looked more threating to him. After all he did kidnap the little dragon child. And he was a lot bigger. Also that fact that his tribesmen were the ones killing and raiding their island.

As days passed, Toothless also began to notice how his little dragon didn't even seemed to be in control of his dragon abilities. The little guy had a hard time staying in his dragon mode and whenever he tried to fire at Toothless, he would miss and hit the floor or some other space. At one time he almost lit one of the chairs on fire when trying to hit Toothless.

Toothless really wanted to know about the little dragon boy. He just wished that he could figure some way for the child not to be afraid of him.

Toothless remembered what Cloudjumper said to him. "You can't force the situation, you got to be patient"

Toothless wasn't sure if that comment was towards half human, half dragon. He just hoped that one day they would be able to get along with each other.


Storms, why did it have to be storms? Hiccup wasn't afraid of storms. Well, in the beginning he wasn't. He had always liked storms. That was, until the play date will another hybrid dragon known as Dagur.

Dagur was part Skrill. The strike class dragon had the ability to absorb lighting into its body and shoot it out later. Most of the time, Dagur would use other kids as a target. His favorite, Hiccup. After that, Hiccup had never gone out or near any lighting storms again.

Hiccup knew that Dagur was not here but the storm still scared him. The loud boom sound of the thunder shook the house as lighting lit up the room from the window. The hard rain shot down from the sky and sounded like little needles hitting the wooden house.

Hiccup began to shake and coo, whenever he heard the sounds from the storm. His father had always told him to toughen up. Hiccup just wished he could.

Well....there is another option. Hiccup looked above him and made a decision. He slowly crept out from under the bed and made his way out. Poking his head out, he scanned the bed. He saw his human roommate sleeping under the piles of fur and blankets. He was quietly breathing and Hiccup guessed he was asleep.

Another roar of thunder accrued and made Hiccup jump. Taking a leap of faith, Hiccup crept onto the bed and made himself comfortable near the human. Pulling the fur up, Hiccup closed his eyes.

Hiccup was startled when an arm was put over him.

"Shhhh, its okay" The human's words were sleepy but calming, "Nothing is going to get you. I promise"

Hiccup did not known why but he trusted the Viking. He did not know if it was because of the last few days or just because of the ranging storm outside. But he just did.


After that stormy night, Hiccup and Toothless began to be more comfortable around each other. They became more trusting and confident that the other would do no harm to them.

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