"So what are you doing here?"

Astrid was brought out of her thoughts as she looked at Hiccup. "I'm just here, flying around. Getting some air"

"Disobeying orders?" Hiccup raised a suspicious eye brow at her. He knew that whenever Astrid didn't like an order, she would try to find a way to disobey it and follow her own way.

"Maybe" Astrid huffed in annoyance. No matter how many years they haven't seen each other, Hiccup could read her like an open book. She was still suspicious of something. "How are you still alive?"

"What do you mean?" Hiccup became nervous.

"I saw the humans coming towards you. How did you escape?" Astrid was very curious in knowing how Hiccup was still alive.

Hiccup on the other hand, was very panicky. How do you tell your hybrid friend who hates humans that you were saved by one. He decided to tell half the truth. "I'm actually staying with my mom"

"Your mom?" Astrid was quite shocked to hear this news. "But Hiccup....you mother...your mother is dead"

"She's actually not" Hiccup rubbed the back of his head as he tried to explain.

"But Hiccup, everyone knows that your mother was killed by...."

"And who told them my mother was dead." Hiccup felt angry at the thought.

Astrid rubbed her arm as she bit her lip. Not many people loved Drago Bludvist. The half Bewilderbeast was a hated hybrid amongst the villagers. None would say that o his face though. The man inspired fear in the hearts of most hybrids. There were some actually supported the man in an all-out war against the Vikings. Some, like her Uncle, hated the idea.

"I'm sure he's using my death as another excuse to start another war, right?"

Astrid let out a sigh. "No, Stoick was able to stop Drago from carrying one out. I'm surprised he was able to keep it together for all these years. You know...because of you and your mom"

Hiccup let his anger go as he realized how alone his father must have felt. "How is he?"

"He's being Stoick" Astrid rubbed her arm in remember her chief. "He really missed you guys. But he doesn't show it. If he did. It would lead to Drago having power over him."

"I'm surprised he didn't run off and hunt down every last human after my death" Hiccup was wondering how deeply his father missed him. He knew his father loved him, but was he happier that he was gone.

Astrid read Hiccup's thoughts, "Hiccup, he really does miss you. Some say that Stoick would go off on his own, in search of the human who killed you"

Hiccup stared at Astrid in awe.

"It's just rumors though," Astrid let out a sigh. "No one knows if it's true"

Hiccup rolled his eyes. His father never liked to show how kind and caring he was in front of others. Stoick believed he should be tough as Gronkle Iron.

They both chatted away till dark. Once the sun began to set did Hiccup bid farewell to Astrid as he said he had to get back home. Astrid asked if she could go with him to see his mother and how they had survived all this time. Hiccup started to panic because of that.

Astrid had no idea that they were near a Viking habited island. The very one that was attacking Berk. That would not be a good idea to tell her. She would probably rush back to Berk to tell everyone.

Okay, Hiccup wasn't sure she would do that. But he could not risk getting Toothless, Stormfly, and Cloudjumper hurt in the process.

"No, no. That's okay." Hiccup quickly came up with an excuse. "I wouldn't want to give my mother a heart attack if she saw you"

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