Toothless scanned and looked under the table and behind the piles of books that were on both the bed and floor, but the little black dragon was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't until he looked under his bed did he see something that surprised him.

It wasn't the dragon he was seeing but was instead a little boy, around the age of five or six, with black wings, black horns that looked like ears, and a black tail. The boy looked around wide-eyed and scared.

Toothless did not expect this. When Toothless remembered to breathed did the dragon boy look at him with eyes of fear.


Hiccup was scared. He had just woken up from his sleep to only see nothing but darkness. That caused the little hybrid to panic. Right away, Hiccup started to clawed and scratched his way out of the darkness.

When he had hit light did Hiccup bolt towards it. Looking around, he saw unfamiliar territory. It was a house, but it wasn't his house. Hiccup began to panic some more as he began to run around the house. He flipped over tables and chairs. Books fell over as everything became disheveled.

Hiccup saw the door and began to bound towards it. But when he heard unfamiliar voices from the other side did he begin to panic. "No, no, no! This isn't happening"

The voices began to get louder as the knob on the door began to turn. Hiccup looked around for a place to hide. He saw that there was just enough room under the bed for him to hide under. He quickly made his way over and slid underneath it.

Hiccup held his breath as the door began to open. At first there was nothing. Just a pair of black fur boots that stood still. The owner must be scanning around at the damage Hiccup made. The boots then began to walk around the room as if it were looking around for something.

Hiccup prayed to the Gods that the human would not find him. But sadly, his prayers were not answered. For the next thing that happened was the blanket pulled back and the black haired boy looked back at him.


Toothless could not believe what he was seeing. Pulling himself up, he sat straight up as he became lost in thought. He had taken a half human, half dragon child. It was cowering under his bed. And he did not know what to do. 'Great'

Looking back under the bed one more time to make sure he wasn't crazy, Toothless still saw the dragon child under his bed. The child looked petrified. It scanned its surroundings before letting out a hiss.

Pulling the cover back down, Toothless tried to think. It was perfectly natural to hiss at a stranger. A stranger that had happened kidnapped a child. This was going to be an interesting story to tell Cloudjumper when he got home.

Toothless was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of a stomach growling. It was not his stomach that Toothless heard. Looking back at the bed, he guessed that the little dragon boy was hungry. Not wanting to starve the poor child. Toothless headed towards the kitchen to make them some grub.

The only problem is... what do dragon humans eat? Toothless guessed that meat and fish was their top choice of food. He heard from Cloudjumper that Nadders and Gronkles would sometimes eat plants, berries, and vegetables.

"I guess a stew would work" Toothless began to spread his ingredients as he got to work on making a beef stew.

Toothless cut up some vegetables and steak into small pieces. He didn't want the little creature to choke. Even with those big teeth. Putting them into the pot over the fire, Toothless began to stir. He heard a few sounds that sounded like cooing from under the bed. He guessed his new little friend smelled the food.

It didn't take much longer before Toothless got out two bowls and spoons. Taking the ladle, he spooned enough stew to fill the bowls. Placing one on the table, he brought the other to the bed.

Sitting down on the floor, Toothless lifted the cover to once again see his little friend. "Hey, its okay."

The creature stared at him before he tried to work up a growl.

Toothless placed the bowl on the ground towards the creature. "You must be hungry" He watched as the dragon boy stared at the food then at him. Toothless understood, why he did that. Why should the dragon boy trust someone like him with food? Taking the bowl back, he dipped the spoon into the stew before taking a bite. It was a way to show the dragon that the food was not poisoned.

"See" Toothless put the spoon back into the bowl before he brought it back to the little hybrid. "It's good"

The little dragon boy made no movement towards the bowl. Toothless guessed the child was still afraid of him and decided to leave him alone to eat.

Pulling the covers back over, Toothless left the little dragon alone to eat his meal. Sitting back at the table, Toothless began to eat his meal. While eating, the teenager began to think....think about 'what was he going to do now'.


Night had fallen at the house, or Hiccup thought it was night. The room was lit by the embers in the fireplace and the human looked to be getting ready for bed.

Hiccup still had not come out from under the bed. No way on dragon's rocky earth was he coming out. Yes, he did eat the strange human food. And Hiccup did enjoy it quite a bit. It was stew if he remembered correctly. He remembered how stew was quite rare when Gobber made it. Usually, they just had roast chicken, fish, lamb, or boar. Stew would take too long to make.

"Food needs to be quick and easy" His father would always say. "Never know when you will be attacked."

But this was different. It was simple, but rich with spice. It was a lot better than the one Gobber used to make. Hiccup even wanted a second bowl full, but he would never tell the human that.

The human, Hiccup didn't know what he wanted from him. So far, all the Viking did was offer him some stew and then leave him alone. Once he finished the food, the little hybrid push the bowl out enough for the Viking to take it.

Thoughts still plagued Hiccup's mind. Why did the Viking not do anything to him? He had heard rumors from the older hybrids that Vikings would gut dragons and wear their skull as a helmet.

But this human had done none of those things to him. He hasn't even tried to drag him out from under the bed. Or call on other Vikings to come and see him. It confused the small hybrid.

Hiccup was still on edge though. He was on his guard in case the human tried anything.

Hiccup was startled out of his thoughts when the blanket was, once again, pulled back. It was the black haired human again. He had some sort of brown flat object with him.

"It gets cold at night" The Black haired Viking pushed the blanket towards Hiccup. "This will keep you warm at night."

Hiccup watched as the human pulled the covers back down. He reached for the blanket and wrapped it around himself. The little hybrid then heard the creaking sound as Hiccup looked above him. A yawn was heard before the sound of covers moving.

The human must be going to sleep. Hiccup had no idea what to do. Stay awake and be on alert or fall asleep and maybe get killed. The boy's question was answered when his eyes closed shut from stress and exhaustion.


I'm back! I am so sorry that this took so long to update. I was hoping to get back to it once I finished 'Dragon, Humans. Gladiators, & Freedom.' Instead it took me a while to get back into writing this story.

Hopefully I can get the rest of these chapter up soon. Thank you everyone who stuck with me.

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