Chapter 1

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This is Berk. Its twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing. But it's not the freezing to death part that's the problem for anyone who lives on this island. It's more of what goes on with the island that seems to be the problem. Berk has been the only place close for any human or creature to find herbs and a hefty supply of animals and food. The only problem is the two species that fight over it.

One of the species is a bunch of hybrids. They are part human and dragon. These creatures have lived on the island for more than three hundred year. Hybrids have the ability to transform into dragon like creatures to hunt and ward off unwanted visitors. They built their village in the crypts and corner off the cliffs of the mountain. The reason why is to protect their young ones and family from any enemy attack that may try to harm them.

They have lived in peace on the island, but that all changed when the humans came. Vile and stubborn creatures, who attack anyone who are different from them. No one knows why the humans came to their island, but ever since they came it has been a never ending war between them and the hybrids.

Since they arrived, humans have only seen the hybrids in their dragon form. Thinking they are nothing but destructive, mindless monsters, they have continued to attack them whenever the humans spot the beasts.

On this glorious day, nothing seemed to be happening on the peaceful island. But that was the calm before the storm. A few of the adults were getting ready for a scouting mission. One of the chiefs, who was part Rumblehorn, named Stoick the Vast was in charge of said scouting mission.

Getting ready to leave, Stoick heard the sound of pitter patter behind him. The large hybrid turned to see his toddler of a son, Hiccup. Small he was, and lanky too. He did not share his father's dragon colors of green and red. Instead, the boy had color of black for his dragon arms and feet. His long black tail and giant wings were black as well. Hiccup was born of a mix breed, two parents that were of different dragons that resulted into turning him into a new species of dragon that the village dubbed a Night Fury. No one known's the sheer power of the small boy. But all they knew so far what that he was a trouble making runt.

"Son" Stoic knelt down as he put a hand on his son's shoulders. "I need you to try and be good today. Do not run off and cause trouble, like the last time I left."

Hiccup looked at his father with sadness, for the small boy knew that he was a disappointment in his father's eyes. His father didn't like it when Hiccup walked outside. Stoick felt like every time to the boy stepped outside, disasters followed. Determine more than ever. Hiccup gave his father a firm nod.

Stoick let a smile creep onto his face as he said goodbye to his son and turned to the others and commanded all the hybrids to head out.

Hiccup watched the group turn into their different dragon forms before they left. Stoic turned into a Rumblehorn, while the rest turned into two Gronkles, a few Nadders, and one Monstrous Nightmare. Once they fully changed, they spread their wings and took off. Hiccup watched them leave before he turned to the village to vanquish his boredom and try to be good for his father. Sadly, it didn't take Hiccup long to find trouble when he heard some kids making a commotion. Hiccup turned his head to see a group of five other children giggling and playing.

Hiccup, wanting to fit in with the other kids and be part of the group, walked over to them. He could see that the group consisted of Fishlegs, who was part Gronkle, the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, who were part Zipplback, Snotlout, who was part Monstrous Nightmare, and finally the lovely Astrid, who was part Nadder.

They all stopped what they were doing when they heard footsteps behind them. They all turned to look and saw it was the village runt Hiccup. The klutz and good for nothing, walking disaster, that ruined everything he touched, Hiccup the useless. Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Snotlout let out a groan of annoyance, while Fishlegs and Astrid tried to look somewhere else. Last time they played with the boy it ended up with the twins and a broken fence, and Snotlout and a run away wagon. Fishlegs and Astrid found it funny when one time they saw Snotlout running away from a group of sheep that would not leave the poor boy alone due to Hiccup, accidently, chucking a bowl of herbal tea, that Gobber had made, on him.

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