Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

     Salix isn't completely okay with the fact that Simon and I kissed, but he understands it wasn't my intention, I never wanted to kiss Simon. He didn't push me away fully, not yet at least. I try to keep my distance from him, but he's my support system and I need him.

Frederick must have a planned to arrive in Russia by now. Carter seems more and more anxious about me getting the vault opened, he mentions it to me every time he sees me, making me stressed because I still have no clue how to open the vault. Have faith, he continues to tell me. I'm getting tired of this constant burden, everybody is just waiting on me to open this vault. I take the elevator myself down to the vault, I type in the code I memorized from Carter putting it in so many times.


The elevator opens and a rush of cool air floods the elevator, it's cold down here I have goose bumps on my arms. I rub my arms with my hands trying to create some friction to give myself warmth. I stare at the vault, it's metallic and shiny, I can see my own reflection in it. I place my hand on the vault trying to feel for anything that can give me a clue. Nothing. I look at my name carved on the wall across from the vaults door. Charlotte Avery Grayson. I trace my fingers against every letter. When I get to the 'A' in Avery I notice the triangle in the letter 'A' is shaped differently, it looks like a star.

A star.

I roll up my sleeve revealing my star scar I got when I was younger from branding myself with my mothers cookie cutter. The star in the 'A' is the same size as the star on my arm. I press my shoulder against the wall so the star in the A was lined up with the star on my arm.

I hear locks unlatch, the vault is opened. I did it.

I contemplated whether or not to get Carter, my father, Salix, anyone, but curiosity got the best of me so I push away the thoughts and make my way inside. It's even colder inside the vault than it is outside. I feel around for the light switch, it's pitch dark. I find one to the right of the entrance door. I flick it up, all the lights come on, I put a hand in front of my eyes at how bright the lights actually are. I'm shocked at what I see inside the vault, weapons, unlike any I've ever seen.

There are multiple vials of serums, there's a large machine only slightly rusted, tanks of gases, everything I witness seems to defy the laws of science, of human nature. As I walk deeper in the vault I find a note written in black ink on yellow paper, it's taped on the back wall. I peel the tape from the wall and hold the letter in my hand.

Charlotte Avery Grayson,

Welcome 11th generation. You found the map, you made it although we already knew you did. This means there is hope, people are still alive, that we didn't eliminate human population itself. I'm writing to you inside this vault because the Americans and other countries have infiltrated the building and I don't have much time. The power had gone out I was unable to see what happens after you open the vault. This is why I urge you to show no one. We cannot let any of this get in the wrong hands. When I traveled in time I disguised myself as a little girl Lennix, and my partner was Alice, we were the twin girls who befriended you at school in your Sector. We told you about how our "mom" had a tattoo, that they were "so cool." We planted the idea of branding yourself with the star, with the key. We knew you'd be the key to saving civilization, analyzing generation after generation we found the 11th generation to be the one needing most help, you are the one to save us, to save them. I know you'll follow these instructions, if you don't humanity may be lost forever. We were wrong to create such powerful serums, they are weapons of mass destruction. The Americans, their leader who goes by the name Carter Dell, has been observing us closely. A man we thought we could trust started this war. He stole our immortality serum, my guess is he has been waiting for you, the 11th generation. You might have met him through a different name, you must be wary, you mustn't trust anyone. I hope your mission will be a success. Here's your next step. Lock the vault, type in the elevator,

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