Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

      Carter left with multiple vials of serums, the door shut immediately to his departure; he has locked us in the vault. I am the only person who has the ability to open the vault from the outside, no one is coming to save us and even if they did, they have no way of rescuing us, I'm am the only we had and now I'm stuck in the place only I have access to. This is it, we didn't even get the chance to warn anybody about Carter, by tomorrow I'm sure everyone in this facility will be under his mind control. Soon Liam, Tucker and Frederick will be here to join Carter in his master plan and the world will succumb to their newfound power while we rot in here to die. It can't end like this, there has to be a way out. I start to panic, hitting the walls with all the sheer force I have in me, my knee are quick to give out again and I buckle to the ground, groaning in pain.

     "We have to find a way out," I sob nearly ripping my hair out in frustration. I am not giving up that easily.

     "We will don't worry, someone will know we went missing," Salix says in calm manner. He's still leaning against the wall, his breathing seems to of calmed down. The scar on the side of his face looks like its shriveling up his skin, it's red and started to scab over, it looks painful. His eye's shut slowly, he looks out of energy, exhausted.

     "And then what," I throw my hands up, "they ask Carter for help, because no one here knows that he's against us. He's going to mind control whoever comes looking us, or worse, he'll give them the memory serum that makes them their lose memory, memory of us, like we never even existed!" I shout.

     Salix puts his hand on my leg to assure me like always, that everything is going to be okay, but for some reason this feels different. It feels like defeat. It feels like that gesture was an 'I'm sorry.' I look up at Salix, his face. I'm sitting directly next to him up against the wall of the vault, our thighs touching each others. His finger traced the scar on my chin. He's still attractive with his burn, his hair covers his ear so you can barely see it. The scar is off the side of his face, the acid didn't come in contact with the center of his face. He's built tough as nails, he always has been strong and courageous. He's inspiring to me, and I've always thought that ever since he told me about when he was he was little. How he had to run away from home to escape his murderous brother, that he had to become independent, and self defensive. I love everything about him. I kiss him on the opposite cheek. He closes his eyes and keeps them shut even when I sit back against the wall.

     "We can't just give up," Simon says searching for a way. He's frantic, destroying and throwing things around, banging on the steel walls that are causing an echo which is starting to make my ears ring.

     "No one could get into the vault for eleven generations. What makes you think that we can get out?" I mutter becoming extremely pessimistic about the situation we're in. I press the back of my head against the cold steel of the vault. Defeated.

     "Can't you flash your star? Maybe a sensor will pick it up, anything?" He begs me.

I roll up my sleeve exposing my star engraving. Nothing, it's nothing but a key designed to open from outside to get to the inside.

     "What's this?" Salix says picking up something. He smiles and then hands me the serum, I grab it from him and read the white strip on the vial that has its description.

     "Walk through walls?" I read aloud. I roll it over in my fingers to read the back label that has the directions. "One sip for one hour, two sips for eternity?" I raise my eyebrows, I feel skeptical about using something that I was meant to destroy. I also feel uneasy about taking a serum which is just one of many that caused this world, eleven generations ago, to fall apart.

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