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"This is it." I said. This house was simply beautiful and it was big enough for our accommodations. Levi wrapped his arms around my waist. "You sure this is the one?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I love it. The neighborhood is nice, it has a nice backyard for the kids to play in, and the school system seems fair." I told him.

"Look at you, sounding like a mom." He said with a laugh. I shrugged. "Didn't I give birth to two kids?" I asked. He nodded with laugh and kissed my cheek. "Come on, let's go get the realtor." He said and grabbed my hand.

"Why did I decided to come and help?" Grayson asked to basically no one. I laughed and patted his back. I walked to the kitchen where Sadie was. We were setting up the kitchen, getting it ready for dinner later. "Sadie, your fiancé is being a big baby again." I told her. She just shook her head.

"That's always." She said with a smile. Grayson peeped his head around the corner. "You weren't saying that last night when I-"

"Grayson!" Levi yelled from the living room.

"Saved by the big brother." Sadie muttered. I laughed and patted her back. We soon finished the kitchen and started with Matt and AJ's room. When we finished their room we got dinner ready.

"Thanks for flying out here Sadie and Grayson." I said. They shrugged it off and said that it was no big deal. The kids were gonna stay with Mike and Shaley tonight while we finished up the house. Everything was set up and in place, waiting for them to come home in the morning.

"It was no big deal. Besides, Bella was ready to see her grandparents." Sadie said. I smiled at that. Their daughter was just a total sweetheart. She was very mature for her young age compared to her father. He's still as playful as ever, even as a lawyer. "Yeah, plus this is like a vacation for us. We won't get many considering the fact that we are trying to plan a wedding." Grayson explained. I nodded.

"My brother is finally getting married." Levi said and faked a tear. Sadie chuckled.

"Baby Anderson is moving on up in the world." I said, making Sadie laugh. Grayson playfully glared at me. "Yes, we are getting married. I don't need constant reminders from the two of you." He said. Soon, Sadie and Grayson got ready to leave. After they left Levi and I crashed into the bed. After all, it had been a long day.

"Mommy!" AJ and Matthew screamed as they ran into the house. Anna-Jane stopped to hug my legs before she ran off to play. "Where daddy?" Matthew asked.

"Daddy went to his practice. He's coming back." I explained to him. He nodded and headed to explore his new room. I took AJ's hand and led her to the living room. We took a seat on the couch and decided to watch a little tv. The door slammed and Levi walked in. "Daddy!" AJ shouted.

"Hey baby girl." He said and kissed her forehead. Matt ran downstairs and hugged his dad's legs. I just patiently waited my turn until our kids finished loving on their dad. I laughed when the two toddlers were able to knock him down. After they finished hugging him they ran off to go and play. I let a small laugh and walked to where he was laying on the ground. I held out my hand.

"Need some help?" I asked. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Thanks." He said and pulled me down to him. I laughed as he did. He moved some hair out of my face and just stared at me. "What?" I asked.

"I forgot what I was gonna say but I love you." He said with a laugh. I laughed too. "I love you too, Levi." I said.

•Six years, two more kids, and one on the way later•

"Matthew!" I yelled from the car window.

"Yeah mom?!" He answered.

"Your fly is unzipped." I whisper shouted. His face turned red with embarrassment. My nine year old rushed to the truck with a look of total look of frustration. "Yes, Matthew?" I asked. He looked up at me and gave me a really look like his father always did. I let out a little chuckle. Once Mathew got the zipper up, he left.

"Bye honey, love you." I said.

"Bye mom, love you too." He said and walked towards his team.

"I'm getting old." I muttered as I drove off. I went to pick up AJ from her friend's house. After picking her up, we went to the academy. The sports academy finally became a reality and became my full time job. No more training professional athletes for me. I'm training the future ones, which brings me so much joy.

"Is daddy at the academy?" AJ asked.

"Not at the moment. He's at his own practice then he's gonna pick up Trevor and Colten." I told her. She just nodded. I felt kicks from my growing baby inside me. I was seven months and was ready to welcome our fourth son into the world. It seemed that little Kade was ready too. He is a very active child.

I pulled up to the academy and got out. I opened AJ's door and she hopped out too. She ran straight inside and to my office. When I finally got there, she had gotten herself a snack from the mini fridge. I put more juices in the fridge seeing that Levi would be here with the boys in thirty minutes.

I opened up my computer and checked on my appointments and classes today. "Hey mommy!" Trevor said as he pushed the door open. Trevor jumped onto the couch and sat next to his sister. "Where is your brother, Trev?" I asked.

"With daddy." He said. I nodded. Trevor was the next child after Anna-Jane. He wasn't as active as his other brothers but was very smart for his age. At age six, he read everyday and enjoyed it. But with his siblings, you'd have to tie them down to make them read. The door opened again and Levi walked in with Colten. "Had a little goldfish accident today." Levi said with smile as he took a seat beside me.

"Hey, big boy!" I said to Colten.

"Momma!" He called.

In my office there was a big mat where the kids usually played at. They all took a seat down there and waited as I handed out a snack to each of them. To anyone who didn't know us, they'd think that four would be a hassle. It really isn't. I owe that all to Levi. He's a great help with our kids and they love him very much.

Many years ago, if you would've told me that Levi would be my husband and that we'd have four kids along with another one on the way, I would've laughed in your face. But that's not the case now. Now, I have a wonderful and beautiful family. I walked to the fridge and grabbed some water.

"Did you forget all about me?" Levi whispered in my ear as I opened my bottle of water. A slow crept its way onto my face. He rubbed circles on my stomach and kissed my neck. "Never." I told him and turned around.

"Oh my lord look at them." I said and pointed to the kids. Anna-Jane and Trevor were wrestling at the moment. "Our girl is one tough cookie, huh?" Levi asked with a smirk. I laughed and nodded. When we looked back at them they seemed to have gotten over the issue they had and started to play together again.

I looked at the clock and it was around time for Matthew to arrive. His friend's mom was gonna drop him off. I was right because the door opened and he walked in. "Hey mom and dad." He said and joined his siblings in the floor.

"Look at them." Levi said as he hugged me from behind. I smiled snd sighed. "Our wonderful children. Most of the time wonderful." I said, muttering the last part.

"Thank you." Levi said. I looked up at him.

"For what?" I asked.

"For sticking by my side for all these years. For becoming my wife, the mother of my kids, my best friend, and many other things. Just thank you. I love you, Chelsea Jane." He said. I smiled back at him. "I love you too, Levi." I said.

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