Chapter 37

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Waking up with little people around me has become ordinary. Kids grow fast. Matthew is already three and Anna-Jane is getting ready to turn two. The pair were a challenge to handle. With two kids, it feels like I'm forty years old but in reality I'm only twenty eight. Levi and the kids were currently out getting ice cream while I stayed home to clean and get the house ready for our families.

My parents, Levi's parents, his brothers, and both of our aunts and uncles were coming to visit today. They all were in San Fransisco to visit this week. We decided to have a big dinner at our house. I'm not sure how everyone was gonna fit but we'd make it work. I have to put it on my mental to do list to talk to Levi about moving into a bigger house.

The door opened and Levi walked in with our two sleeping children. "They played themselves to sleep, babe." He said with a chuckle. I smiled and kissed their heads. Levi started to head upstairs to lay Matthew down. I took Anna-Jane and walked upstairs to put her in the room she and Matthew shared. They weren't old enough to have separate rooms yet. Plus, the house only consisted of three bedrooms, one of which is a guest room.

When I came back downstairs, Levi was getting himself a beer out of the fridge. "You know, our house is starting to feel small." I said as I took out ingredients to start a salad. This was my contribution to the dinner tonight. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. That's why I bookmarked a couple of homes last night. I showed you." He said. I frowned. "You did?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, it was around one in the morning and AJ had just went to sleep. I showed you and you'd said that the houses look great." He explained. I frowned. "I don't remember." I said. He shrugged.

"Maybe you were just too tired to fully pay attention. But that's alright because I'm gonna show you again anyway." He said. I nodded and continued to chop the veggies. I was glad that we were considering a new house. There was a feeling deep down inside that said that we weren't threw producing children. And for that very reason, we needed more space.

Somehow we both knew that Anna-Jane would not be our last child. After I finished up the salad, Levi and I sat down in his office to figure out the housing options. There were many wonderful choices. The house that we lived in now was made for a small family with just one child or two. But with two kids, the house still seemed cramped. So, we need the space. At our home in Mississippi, there was room for six to seven kids and two guests.

That was Levi's idea. When the house was first built, Levi insisted that the house be spacious for a big family. At first I didn't believe him but now I'm starting to now. There would only be a matter of time before baby number three came scrolling into our lives. An hour later, the doorbell rang and our home was filled with noisy relatives in each corner of the main floor.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves very much. Matthew and Anna-Jane were running around with their cousins who were the children of Steven and Dana. Grace and Luke were settled on the couch. Grace fed their twins. Grayson's daughter, Bella, was sitting with Anna-Jane on the floor.

Grayson had a daughter with his beautiful girlfriend of many years, Sadie. She was black and was very gorgeous. Sadie went to the same college as Grayson and had been putting up with the man child for some time now even if he was a lawyer. In a few weeks, they would make it to one of their official years of being together although they've messed around for more than that. The chemistry was there. Little to her knowledge, Grayson was gonna propose to her tonight.

Daniel and Hunter sat with their wives as their kids ran around with Matthew. I smiled as I looked at my family. "Chelsea, AJ is starting to look more like you everyday." Raleigh told me. I smiled and thanked her.

"Yeah but she's a little diva like her dad." I said and she laughed. "No, I think she gets that from her uncle Grayson." Levi said and pointed towards the girls. Grayson was playing with Bella and AJ. Anna-Jane watched as her uncle made silly faces. Bella just giggled at her dad.

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