We were lead into the basement, it was chilly in the basement. Causing me to shiver as Kieran wrapped his arm tighter around me to ward of the chill. We were led into a room that wasn't very well lit, but I could still see the girl sitting in the chair in front of me. Her hair was a tangled mess hanging in front of her face, and I could see the bruises on her arms and legs. There were wounds around her wrist and ankles, almost like she'd been bound by something.

"Who hurt her?" I said as I turned to man standing behind us.

"Nobody did, we found her like this. She had just run into our territory, she was acting like she was running away from something when we found her. She almost seemed glad to see us when we finally made ourselves known to her." Nodding I stepped away from Kieran's arm and made my way towards the girl. "What's your name?"

She looked at me, and I could see the fear in her eyes. The was bruises on her cheeks, and scrapes across her face. They were small, probably branches she'd run into in the forest. "Allie, my name is Allie." She rasped out, her voice sounded like it hadn't been used in years.

"I'm not going to hurt you Allie, nobody is. We just want to know who did this to you," she looked at me for a second. Looking over my face almost like she was searching for something there. Apparently she'd found what she was looking for because she decided to speak again.

"I don't know who they were, but they took me from my family when I was little. They had me tied up, they used silver cuffs and chains. It took my energy away from me, and didn't allow me to do anything. I couldn't fight back when they came. They were powerful, and they never laid a hand on me but somehow still managed to hurt me."

"Where they using magic?" Kieran asked from behind me. She looked at me skeptically and then looked at me. I smiled and nodded letting her know that it was okay, that she could trust him.

"I think so, I don't actually know. I could never really tell, it was so dark where they were keeping me. I couldn't see anything even with my heightened senses."

"You'll be okay now Allie, nobody's going to hurt you here. Will you give you a room, get you cleaned up, and you'll be safe here." I turned to Kieran and he smiled and nodded before turning to the man next to him and saying something to him low enough so I couldn't hear.

I stood up and turned towards them. "Thank you, I don't know why they let me go but I'm glad that I found my way here." Allie said from behind me. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Make sure that she gets taken care of, allow her to get cleaned up, and make sure that she gets something to eat. It looks like she hasn't eaten very well in a long time." I said to her before turning back to Allie. These men are going to take care of you. They're going to show you to your new room, give you some clothes, and make sure you get a good meal. You can get cleaned up and then we'll talk some more when you're ready."

One of the men had to help carry her upstairs, because she was to weak from everything that had happened to actually walk on her own. Kieran took me back up to our room and made sure I laid down before going to make sure that everything was set up for Allie and she was being taken care of. I was glad that Allie was able to get away from whoever had been hurting her. She didn't deserve what had been done to her, and I was hoping that over time the scars of her past would eventually heal enough that she could move on with her future.


-_--_- Unknown's POV -_--_-

"The girl has reached the territory, and the trap has been set." The young girl said back in the room with the older woman. The other three had left a while ago, and now it was just the woman alone with her. She was no longer standing next to the water, but instead resting in a chair next to the fireplace. A fire blazing with in, casting a dark shadow over the woman sitting in front of it.

"Perfect, now it's time for the girl to do her job, and soon enough that girl and her wolf will be in our hands," the woman as she stared into the fire. An ominous smile on her face as she thought over the plans she had set, and the outcome of those plans if everything turned out the way she was hoping. She would have the girl, and the power of the wolf within her, and soon nobody would be able touch her.


Sorry for the short chapter!

Work was crazy yesterday, which means that I didn't get around to writing a chapter. I'll hopefully be posting two today to make up for lost time. So be on the look out of the next chapter.

I know this chapter is probably still kind of confusing, I started writing it last night and ended up falling asleep and forgetting where I was planning on going with this chapter. So it seems like it kind of went out on a loop that's why. I'll probably end up rewriting it, and I'll let you know if or when I do so that way you can go back and re-read it, and maybe it won't be so confusing.

Don't be afraid to let me know what you guys think, I welcome the input. Just please refrain from saying something rude. Nobody has time for people who can't say something nice about anything.

The song above is from a tv show that my friend had been talking about, she showed me the song and I can't remember the name of the tv show. Apparently it's just a lullaby that one of the girls in the show sings while she's doing work. I'll see if I can find the tv show name and let you guys know what it is. It's a good song though, and I heard the tv shows pretty good but never watched it.

The song above is Medhel and Gwyns by Eleanor Tomlinson. It's a lullaby from a tv show, go ahead and give it a listen to. It's a pretty good song. ^^^^







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