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My first ever interview with 20 year old female billionaire Xena Queen.
"Miss Queen will be with you in a minute miss Walker" her personal assistant who had escorted me to her office in the huge building said. "Please take a seat" she gestured for me to sit on the black leather chair in front of a fancy and neat glass desk. "I apologize for my late arrival,I hope I didn't cause any problems um....." I looked up from the floor to see the queen herself standing in front of me. Everything about her seemed so perfect,her caramel brown eyes,her perfect attire,her perfectly tanned skin,her lips and her amazing long blonde hair. We looked at each other for awhile before she finally spoke "close the door please Sarah on your way out" she said to her P.A "Yes miss Queen".Biting her bottom lip she lifted up her head and looked at me "are you going to tell me your name?" I looked away feeling embarrassed I was staring at her "oh I'm so sorry n-name is Rose" I took out my notebook and pen in my bag "thats a beautiful name Rose" my face flushed and I looked down so she could not see my now completely red face. "Um...thank y-you miss Queen" "please call me Xena" I nodded.
"You may start with the questions Rose" the way she said my name made my heart skip a beat,it was strange to be in her presence. "You have taken over the world with your success. At the age of 20 years old you have managed to own one of New York's biggest buildings,make 15 billion dollars in a year approximately, change the fashion industry with your clothing line Wavy, sign one of hollywoods best musicians to your record company Queen records, drop an your album Crowns then go on an international tour for the album then getting the deal that has completely changed your life,being the face and grand ambassador for Nike which earned you billions of dollars. After everything that has happened in these past few months,where do you see yourself in life right now?" She looked at me and smiled " I see myself in a place that I've always wanted be in but it's just not as amazing as I thought it would be. In this journey I have been going through I have realized that people manipulate and use you to get what they want and I have lost a of of friends in middle of my 'success' but everything is good in life right now" I wrote down everything as she spoke "growing up with a father who is a billionaire. How did it effect or make you feel when you were growing up?" "Well my father never really gave us money,he would always tell us to find a way to get our own money and when i was young I used to think that was stupid. I mean he had the money he just had to give it to us but I realize now that I am older that he was trying to teach us how to make our own money just like he made his own and because of all the lessons he taught my brothers and I, we are who we are today because of him. So it effected negatively in certain places and certain situations like school and making friends when I was young. Just because I grew up in a wealthy family people would label me as a spoilt brat" "you have never really spoken about relationships in any of your interviews and you have never really been seen or photographed with a certain someone. Is it that you do not get into relationships or?" "With everything that has been happening I really haven't had time to think about getting into a relationship and I don't think I will be getting into one for awhile" "the question that is on everybody's mind is how did you end up being the ambassador for such a huge company like Nike? Of course we all know at first it was just a collaboration between your clothing line Wavy and Nike but next thing we know boom! your a billionaire and the ambassador." She giggled and I realized I had said the boom too loud,way too loud but her laugh made my face a tomato. "Well it all started as just a collaboration but they like my style and their ambassador was going to step down and so they put me in the position and Wavy and Nike are now one company and together we are changing the fashion industry and just bringing new and fresh ideas and it really great to see how far my clothing line has come,to see how far I've come" "thank you for giving up your time and doing this interview miss Queen it really been amazing to meet you, I picked up my bag to put my stuff inside,being my clumsy self I dropped my book while taking my bag I lifted my head to see where it it had fallen to but I hit my head hard on the glass desk. "Ow!" I yelled in pain. The queen jumped from her seat and in a few second she was standing in front of me "are you okay?" She asked putting her hand on my cheek "I-I'm fine...." She removed a strand of hair and pulled my chin up to look at her. Then she looked down at my lips and I couldn't help but bite them while I was looking at her "don't bite your lip,just don't do it" she said putting her finger on my lip and removing it from my teeth. She then looked at me in the eyes and got up " Sarah can you please send some ice packs or something here. Rose hurt herself" she said on the black intercom on her desk " yes miss Queen" "oh and bring me some McDonald's, I'm hungry" she said. I was a little shocked "is there a problem?" She asked "no,I'm just surprised that you eat McDonald's" I blurted out "well I do and I like eat. Did you think just cause I'm a billionaire I eat expensive food thats hard to pronounce?" She said giggling. Her laugh. Oh. My. God. "Miss Queen may I enter?" A male voice said "yes Tom you may come in" he entered pushing a big trolly with McDonalds and on the side was an ice pack. "Thank you" she said then dismissed him and locked the door again. She took the ice pack and slowly and gently put it where I hurt "just hold it there for two minutes" "thank you" I said looking down at the floor,still embarrassed by the accident. "You want a Mac Burger?" She said offering me the burger "no thank you" "just eat the burger Rose and have some fries too" she pushed the food in front of me. I didn't want to seem ungrateful or anything so I took the burger "t-thank you" she nodded and handed me a can of Coke. We ate in silence until she spoke "so Rose,do you have a boyfriend,fiancé or husband?" I chocked on my food ,surprised by the question. "Are you okay" she asked "I'm fine. Uh......I-I don't have a husband or a boyfriend" I saw a little smile form on her perfect lips. "Oh. So is this like your first ever interview?" "Yes,it is" "oh well then why don't you spend the weekend with me and see how things work in my life. What it's like for a '20 year old billionaire' in the weekend and you can write about that and I'll take a couple pictures for the magazine. How's that?" She said "are you fucking with me right now?" I blurted out. She laughed "no I'm not. I'm mean this is your first ever interview so it has to be great" she said "I'm not taking no for an answer so I'll get my driver to pick you up tomorrow, pack some clothes. We're gonna go to Miami" she said "give Sarah your address on your way out" she stood up after finishing her food. "I'll see you tomorrow" she took her phone and headed for the door. Then she was gone.
I sat there. Replaying everything in my mind. Xena Queen just asked me to spend the weekend with her,well she didn't really ask me she told me. I finished drinking my Coke then I stood up,grabbed my bag and left. Outside the office Sarah waited for me,holding an iPad " miss Queen has asked me to take your number and you address" she said. I gave her my number and address then I left the huge building.

In her office (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now