Quotable Quotes!: Book II

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Greetings, Earthlings! It is I, The Quotable Quoter! I have returned!

I loved writing Quotable Quotes! That book is my baby! S, when I completed it, I was sad, because I enjoyed it very much. So, I promised a sequel, and now here it is!

Quotable Quotes is, for me, a success. From it, at the moment, I have 90,000+ Reads, and almost 3,000 Votes. I also met some of my greatest Wattpad friends because of it! It was a great hobby, and I hope to do the same with this book!

For those of you who didn't read the first:

The title says it all! It's a book of... Quotable Quotes!

Inspirational quotes, interesting quotes, puzzling quotes, and heck, even sometimes humorous quotes!

These quotes will move you... Y'know, let's just cut to the chase! I'm not going to get in that deep mumbo jumbo yet. Basically:

This is a book of quotable quotes, in which there are quotable quotes and notable notes. I'm putting my quotable quotes with my notable notes to make my notes quotable... And vice versa...

Makes perfect sense, right?! Right, not really... So our first quote is:

''Let the second book of quotable quotes begin!''

Yes, one day we shall reach the all-mighty Wattpad number of 200! Mwahahahahaha! I am inspired!

So let's begin! I'll find some quotes now, and if you've got any good ones, just tell me!

''Let the second book of quotable quotes begin!''

Quotable Quotes!: Book IIDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora