Drifting Thoughts... (End of Book II)

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And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The final quote of the book!

''Never ever forget about who you are- flaws and all. No one is a good-for-nothing; everyone has a purpose. You just have to make that purpose show. It won't come knocking at your door on a silver platter. Make an effort- to help others, to become a better person. But never lose your identity in the process, especially by drifting thoughts poisoned by the things around you.''

-aftermaths (Rebecca)

You are who you are, even your flaws. Your flaws are who you are. Everyone has purpose, we're all here for a reason.

Your reason won't just come to you, you have to work towards it. You make your reason. Always be who you are, never change it. And never let others change you, unless it's for good, of course.

And with this, comes the end of the book! I'd like to thank those who helped me, for without your quotes, this book would be impossible:











~The Now Many Quote Books Within Wattpad!

~The Pocket Book of Quotes!

~So many other wonderful Wattpadians! You are the quoters. I am simply a collector.

And with those words, I bid you ado! At least until the next book. The first one took three months. This one took five. I think the next'll be another three, with summer coming and all.

I'm debating going on hiatus for a couple weeks, until I finish the school year, in mid-June. I may still do it.

Anywho, have a beautiful day, night, morning, or whatever it is wherever you are!

Live long and prosper, you wonderful Wattpadians! You warriors of writing! Your pens are swords, and your words are magic!

Till the next book,

Your Quotable Quoter,

Jonathan Magistad!

*NOTE* The third book has begun! Check it out!

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