11. the spark

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Yes two chapters in a roll! This is my form of apology for not updating sooner!! :O

"F/n... try to find cover near by." Kuro said in a very worried tone.

"But you may need blood!" You exclaimed.

"Just go please."

You felt so weak. Licht and Tetsu fighting along with their partners. Heck, even Misono who was small was fighting with Lily.
You couldn't argue back, you didn't even know how. Not only did you feel so weak.. you were weak in their eyes too.

You ran towards a trash can and hid behind it. You were still near and had a perfect view of everyone.

The fight started and both Licht and Lawless were first to march ahead. Tetsu and Hugh followed right after. Both teams were taking care of two guys each while Lily and Misono took care of one. Kuro jumped in as well to help Hugh.

The battle kept going back and forward. Blood was staining the walls and the lockers were getting dented.

Tetsu, Licht and Misono were so in sync with their Servamps. You felt both jealous and disappointed. 
You dug your face onto your knees and started to sob.
"Kuro deserves better..." you whispered to yourself.

You cried, and it felt like the most longest minutes ever. You didn't even look at the fight anymore.. not until you heard Kuro's loud cry.

You immediately picked up your head from your knees. It was the first time you've ever heard Kuro yell out in pain that way.

"Kuro!!!" With no second thoughts, you ran towards him; he was slightly unconscious on the floor.

You cried some more as you felt his trembling body on your arms. He didn't even drank any of your blood to boost up his power.

You took a look at everyone else.
Lily was in the corner, trying to help Misono who was hurt.
Tetsu, Licht, Hugh and Lawless were already worn out.

Two vampire hunters were knocked out but the other 3 seem just fine.
Their power was also ridiculous. Were they even human?

Eventually the rest of the eves and their Servamps fell onto the floor. Their stamina and strength seem to have reached their peak.

You were the only one left and most likely their next target.



You quickly looked at Kuro who was having trouble healing. Tears in your eyes and your voice was as shaky as ever.

"Run a-way.."

You held onto Kuro a little tighter and forcefully closed your eyes.

The memories... they're coming back..
The memories of being bullied
The memories of finally taking a stand
The memories of beating up someone near their end
You lost control
You weren't you
The blood in your fist
You didn't want to fight
You were forced to fight
A fight that resulted in you losing your will to move forward
Knowing you were the cause of someone's downfall of their mental and physical state
But you did it protect
You needed to protect
Yes... for protection

You opened your eyes, staring at the floor tile in front of you.
You followed the squared lines and slowly felt like you were falling asleep.
The sparkle in your eyes changed and instead they were a solid dull color with no gloss. Your pupil changed in size and it was hardly noticeable.

eve and the servamp (editing!!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora