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Dayna's POV

"The more I see darkness, the better I feel; But why? Darkness usually means trouble and chaos, but why does it bring me such peace and happiness?" Justin read out loud from one of my journals.

I looked up at him to see him already looking at me.

"What?" I asked

"Were did this come from?" He said looking at me seriously.

"Huh? My mind like all the others." I said with a little bit of laughter because of his over seriousness.

"I wrote a song a couple years back with almost the exact same lyrics. How is that possible?" He looked at me questionably.

I sat up more straight and thought about what he just said.

"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me I wrote a poem and you wrote a song with the exact same lyrics?"

He nodded his head and looked back down at the poem. "And according to the date on this page there within six months of each other."

"Well I guess we were both going through some shit around the same time." I said crawling over to him.

I sat beside him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

He kissed my forehead, which made me smile.

"The more I read your poems, the more I feel like a learn about you. Your ups and downs. Fights with your mom and Heather. I think I've learned more about you just by reading then us actually talking." He chuckled.

"Probably so. Not to big on the whole "talk about my feelings thing.""

"Oh yeah I know."

"So which journal are you on now?"

"Three. I'm halfway through it though."

"Have you just been reading now stop?" I asked looking up at him.

"Every chance I get" He said smiling looking down at me.

That smile

"You wanna know my favorite so far in this journal?"


He flipped back a couple pages until he got to folded page. He unfolded the page and cleared his throat.

"The wind blowing threw my hair, the rain hitting my face. I feel the bits of my soul being taking away every time this happens. But it doesn't bother me, not one bit because I know in the morning when the sun rises all that is taken from me will be give back in more ways then one. With this I feel contempt meant, with this I feel at peace."

I bit my lip in confusion as I looked at the date of this poem.

July 3rd 2013

"This is beautiful Day, a little dark but beautiful. What made you right this?"

"Uhhhhhh" I bit my lip in nervousness.

"It's okay Dayna, if your not comfortable with telling me-"

"No it's not that it's just I don't know why I wrote this one at that time of my life. That summer was complete bliss."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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