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His eyes see right into my soul. Looking past the wall that I've had for years to keep everyone out. Why is his able to do it? Why do I let him do it? Why does he want to do it?"

Dayna's POV

"Make yourself at home." I told Justin walking into the house and into the kitchen.

"Thanks." He said jumping on my couch.

"You have a nice house." I heard him yell.

"Thanks." I said while grabbing two sodas outta the fridge.

I walked back into the living room and through him one.


I nodded and sat on the couch beside him.

"So how do you like our school so far?"

"It's okay, could have more hot chicks but I deal with what I have." He said shrugging.

"you're a pig." I said nudging him.

"Hey, now options, options."

I rolled my eyes and stood up walking to the stairs. "I'm going to the roof."

"What? Did you just say you're going to the roof?"


"Like the roof of the house?"

"Uh huh. Wanna come?"

"Sure." He said standing up.

I walked up the stairs with Justin trailing behind me.

I walked up to my room and went inside. "Come on Bieber." I said opening my balcony doors pulling down the ladder.

"You have a ladder instilled on the side of your house?"

"Yep, my uncle did it for me. I had a bad fall a couple years back trying to use the tree so this was suggested." I said climbing up

"Smart. And I bet it makes it easy to sneak your boyfriend in your room."

"I don't have a boyfriend." I said sitting down.

Justin sat by side me and look out at the sunset. "Seriously?"

I nodded.

He hummed in acceptance and looked at me.

"This is a nice view you have here. Don't be surprised if you find me up here sometimes." He said chuckling.

I chuckled too and shrugged my shoulders. "Your welcome anytime."


We stayed quite for a few minutes. Both of us clearly deep in thought.

I turned to look at Justin to find him already looking at me.

Those eyes again....

"Do you have to look at me like that?" I asked.

"Like what?"

"Like so intensely. It makes me uncomfortable." I said looking back out at the sunset

"I'm just studying you. Your strike my curiosity."

"I do?"

"Yes, your very closed off but you're personally doesn't match."

I looked him and knitted my eyebrows at him in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your bubbly and free spirited but you seem like you're still holding back. Most people only do that when they're damaged on the inside." He said looking down.

"Well I am damaged, when your life been a rollercoaster you tend to act a certain way."

"Hm, I hear that."

I hummed in response and looked down.

It got quiet between us again.

This boy is very is gonna be trouble for me I can already tell. I don't like how he can see right through me. It makes me nervous but oddly happy?

I looked at his arms and study his many tattoos for a moment before tracing one with my fingertips.

I felt his eyes on me and I looked up to see him looking at me. He looked down at his arm where my fingers were then back up at my eyes.

He outstretched his arm towards me and nodded his head.

I put my fingers back on his arms and traced the eye slowly.

"They're so beautiful."

"Thank you. I have more on my chest and back." He removed his arm from my grasp and pulled his shirt over his head.

Holy mother of god

This boy was ripped.

I noticed that he had two wings on the back of his neck.

"I have never seen so many tattoos with so much meaning before."

"How do you know they have meaning? They could be just random?"

"Because well one I would think you would have both sleeves done. So I assume you're waiting to put something significant there, two there all in like a sequence. I feel like they tell a story, a story of someone who faced lots of hardships." I said looking back up at him.

He was already looking at me. As always.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's damaged."

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