"Your Loss"

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Feeling alone is something I've grown accustomed to. It's not really a big deal until someone comes into your life and makes that feeling go away. But when the person that makes the feeling goes away, goes away you feel more alone then ever before.

Dayna's POV

"Oh please that girl has the mind of a squirrel."

"Heather!" I gasped in shock.

"What!? You hate her more than I do. After everything she did to you are you seriously taking up for her?"

"I'm not taking up for her H, I just don't see the point of insulting her. The bitch is irrelevant as fuck."

Heather have me a hard look. "Mhm. Anyway what you and Justin do yesterday when you brought him back to your house?" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing Heather. I'm not a slut. Plus I'm not interested in him like that."

Heather raised her eyebrows at me. "That is the biggest load of bullshit I have eve heard in my entire life. I know how you feel about white boys, especially ones with tattoos. Plus y'all have a connection. I can feel it. Plus the way he starts at you."

"You noticed that too?"

"Uh yeah. During government he did not once take his eyes off you. He was like studying you. I found it cute. He's trying to get his swirl on." She gave me a creepy smile.

I rolled my eyes. "Get real Heather. Justin is a Greek god. What would he want with a girl like me? He's much better off with Kelly."

"Do you want the poor boy to end up with HIV? Bitch I swear if he ends up with Kelly, I hope God himself strike you with lightning."

"Dayna, what the fuck is AXES?"

"Some way of writing I don't know. I don't use that shit. I just write."

"Well this is only my second day. And it is the third easy question I've gotten a D on." Justin said groaning.

"Well I suggest you go ask Mr. Bright. That way you don't get any more of them."

"Yeah that's not happening."

"Why not?"

"This dude creeps me the fuck out."

I closed my journal and looked at Justin amused.

"How so?"

"I don't know his vibe is just off. He's hidding something."

"Ah that's right you can see right through people." I said leaning back in my chair.

"No I can not. I can just see through you."

I felt my whole body tense as Justin and I locked eyes.

Why must he always make me feel uncomfortable?

He kept staring into my eyes and I did the same. Neither of use daring to break eye contact.

I felt something hit the side of my head causing me to look down.

It was a paper ball. I looked up and my eyes locked with Heather in the front. She was smirking at me.

She took her hands and made a heart.

I groaned and flipped her off.

"Now that's not very nice."

I looked over at Justin who was giving me a smirk.

"You want one too?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

He smirked at me and leaned in. "Well that depends. Do I get to finger you right back?"

His voice was low and dripped with lust.

I balled my hands in a fist and took a deep breath.

"Absolutely not." I said giving him a glare.

He shrugged. "Your loss."

Short little filler chapter

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