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The calm before the storm is the scariest, the storm is the most dangerous, after the storm is when you have to rebuild and find where you belong. But what if you have nowhere you belong and nothing to rebuild?

Dayna's POV

"So Heather tells me you have lots of Journals filled with poetry?"

I look up from my journal and lock eyes with Justin.

"When did she tell you that?"

"Yesterday at lunch while you were finishing that test."

I let out a huff.

"Yeah, so what?"

"Well, you guys have heard some of my music. I would love to read some of your poetry. I've seen you in class Dayna you write now stop. And from some of the parts I've read, I know there really good."

I let out a sigh and got off my bed.

I went into my closet and reached up at the top for my old journals.

I grabbed them and walked back to the bed and through them on his lap.

"Um ow." He said glaring at me.

I shrugged and went back to doing my homework.

"How many journals is this?" He said examining some of them.


"Nine? And there all completely filled?"

"Uh huh."

"Wow and I thought I had a lot of songs? How many do you think there are?"

I shrugged. "Not sure the last time I counted I was on my fourth Journal and I had about 400 or so."

"Damn, well I have never seen anything like this. Ever. Like my mind is blown."

He opened up a notebook and started to read.

"What are you doing?"

"Reading duh."

I sent him a glare. "Justin is that necessary?"

"Yes, I wanna know what goes on inside your head as well as your heart."

We locked eyes and things got silent between us.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Say something that makes me uncomfortable."

"I don't do it to make you uncomfortable, I do it to get a reaction outta you."

"Why do you want a reaction outta me?"

"Because I wanna see if you're as emotionless as people say."

I frown appeared on my face.

What the fuck is he talking about?

"What?" I asked confused.

"Well, Kelly said-"

"Now there's your mistake right there. Never start a sentence with 'Kelly said' that toxic, twisted bitch is a liar. Don't trust her Justin." I said looking him deep in the eyes.

Justin looked down at the bed and released a chuckle. "Ya know she said the same thing about you." Justin said looking back up at me.

"Of course she did. So who are you gonna believe?"

He looked me in the face for a long time. He looks like he's searching for something.


I let out a sigh of relief.

At least someone believes me this time

"You wanna know why?"

"Why what?"

"Why I believe you and not her?"


"When I look into her eye's I see a storm, it's hard to look through the thick clouds. When I look into your eye's I see right through you. Into the sunshine and clear skies. I see your truth. You've been hurt a lot and it makes you vulnerable. Well at least to me anyways."

I just looked at him blankly not saying anything, he held my gaze.

Oh yeah, he is differently trouble for me.

I cleared my throat breaking our gaze.

"Yeah know to say things like that, you must have had someone say the same things to you. You've been hurt too."

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