Chapter 7: The awakening of a very weird feeling

Start from the beginning

After they stopped bickering, Ryder suddenly asked Jasmine. "Why do you want to protect Remy?"

The annoyance in Jasmine's eyes disappeared. The brown eyes softened, looking like melted chocolate as her face relaxed and a small smile brightened that scary aura that surrounded her whenever she was angry or annoyed. If Ryder didn't know that this is how Jasmine reacts towards everything she cherishes and wants to protect, she would have thought that maybe this thug romantically liked Remy. Yet this is Jasmine. She brightened like this when she talked about that puppy she found on the side of the road and forced her uncle to raise or that four-year-old cousin that lives two hours away from her house...

"Because I don't want to see him in pain," Jasmine said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, but why? Why him?"

Jasmine ran her hand through her mane-like hair. "When I first saw him, he looked like a lost puppy getting beaten. Miserable and pathetic..." A soft chuckle puffed its way out of her plump lips as she recalled the image of Remy back then. "He looked so pitiful, but I liked his eyes. There was no fear in them, just sadness." Jasmine straightened her back and looked Ryder right in the eyes. "You know, he tries so hard to hide it, but I have noticed that when he thinks no one is watching, he looks sad. Little Rem Rem wants to look tough. He's always alone, trying to look scary and all, but he's quite cute actually. I don't want him to be alone and look sad."

What Midnight had said before Ryder stormed off, crossed her mind and a frown hung on her lips. "I like the stars... and I like the quietness... I wanted to taste both of them at the same time..." then the answer he gave her when Ryder had asked him why he had broken into her backyard... running away from life... His voice sounded sorrowful...downhearted... recalling that voice, Ryder tasted that feeling again.

Suddenly, she didn't want that stranger to sound like that again.

"Why are you asking?" Jasmine narrowed her eyes at Ryder who had slipped once again deep into her thoughts.

Instead of answering, Ryder ignored her question completely. "What do you think about him? Midnight, I mean..."

A sigh breezed Jasmine's lips as she lay down on the bed. She patted the place next to her, gesturing Ryder to lie by her side, and crossed her arms underneath her head. Ryder looked at her for a moment, then lazily stood up from the floor and lay down next to Jasmine.

The bright pair of chocolate eyes of Jasmine stared at the dark ceiling painted as the night sky. "I think he's handsome."

Ryder blinked in surprise. Didn't this idiot call him ugly twice? Or was she just trying to deliberately get on his nerves?

Jasmine cast a glance at Ryder and when she noticed the dumbfounded look on her face, she couldn't help but chuckle. "He seemed to be as cool as a cucumber. I'm surprised I didn't receive a single punch after all that."

You went berserk! Who would dare to deal with you when you're like that? Ryder frowned. "I think he's in pain."

"Well, one thing is for sure..." Jasmine closed her eyes and grinned.

For a moment, Ryder was scared. What is this girl thinking to do now? She already fought with four guys today. Is that even normal? Where the hell does she find all that energy?

The dark eyebrows of Ryder furrowed. "What?"

"We have to find out who he is."

Unconsciously, Ryder nodded. Wait, what? We? Who we? "Excuse me, what?"

Jasmine propped her upper body up with her elbow and looked at Ryder directly in her eyes, a strange fire burning in her eyes, that made Ryder shiver. Damn it. Her inner Sherlock Holmes has woken up. "That guy knows me. Now I NEED to know who he is."

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