my creepypasta chatroom XD

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Sp: kameron how come your red are you sick ? * feels meh forehead*

Me: 0///0 n-no I’m fine thank you ,now put me down

Tr: I got you now 😈

Me: noooooooooooo DX

Of: no I got her * snatches me from slenders arm*

Me: im so screwed TT^TT

Sl: put her down * has dark aura*

Sp: do not harm her * also has dark aura*

Tr: meh * walks out*

Me: help meh TT^TT

sl & sp : *start fighting offender*

of: come and get meh* drops me*

me: ow e.j I need an icepack

e.j:*appears with icepack* here you go

me: thank you~ *hugs*

e.j: no prob bye* disappears *

me: bye!

Of,sl &sp: still fighting

Me: the scary part is that splendy is mad .-.

Sl & sp: *won the fight*

Me: yay they won o(^_^)o

Sl: kameron I have a question for you

Me: um what is it

Sl: do you ..*dramatic pause* have my $20

Me: -.- no

Sp: um slendy I think she would like to know the ”other” question

Sl: I was getting there 😒

Me: huh? 0_0

Sl: kameron will you go out with me?

Me: *faints*

Kim and jeff: *eating popcorn on the floor* lomfa 😆

Sp: I think that was a yes 😄

Sl: I hope so 😩

Kim: she always had crush on you ya know

Jeff: kim had a crush on me too so when I asked her out she had the same reaction

Kim: yep 0////0

Ben and Anthony:*walk in* hey guys wha-*sees the scene and walk back out*

Sp: I think she’s waking up

Me: *wakes up* ugh what happened

Sp: slendy asked you out and you fainted

Me; oh right >.< um yes

Sl: thank you kameron* hugs from behind*

Kim: don’t faint kameron!

Me: I’m trying not too!

*le end*

my creepypasta chatroom XDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon