Assassin! Levi x reader

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(edited: 29th/april/2020)


They surrounded me- those men, those men who killed my parents. My legs won't move, and they're coming for me. I feel hands grabbing me, feeling my body sink into the floor slowly, covering my mouth, stopping me from screaming- making me just watch in fear as a man walked towards me, pointing a gun at me.

I can't wake up. 


"Here. The information for your next contract is in this file." Erwin passed me a file, letting it loosely fall into my hands as he stepped to the side and took a seat, watching me. I took my gaze away from my reports and stared blankly at the file that had just found it's way into my hands. These things always had too much bloody information... 

Name: (f/n) (l/n)


Details: XXXXXX (A/n: idk, everyone is different) 

I scanned the image at the side of the page, feeling a hint of déjà vu pass through my mind, making me feel a slight unease. 

"What's the meaning of this" I asked, glaring at Erwin- knowing he saw my unease. 

"You might not remember since it was a long time ago, but we have tried to kill her before. You were in the team- she was the only one to escape." He simple stated, barely acknowledging me at all. 

"When do you want this done?" I asked, moving my eyes back towards the file before me as i continued to skim read the rest of it. 

"As soon as possible would be good." 

~Time skip~

I kicked down the door to her room and pointed the gun at the sleeping girl in front of me. A wave of shock hit me, seeing the state that she was in. Tears slipping from her eyes as she slept, a hauntingly peaceful face. My hands lowered slowly- against my control. I'm supposed to dispose of her- this is something I do all the time. So why, why am I hesitating? Am I forgetting something? I lifted my arms again, biting my lip as I lifted my gun, snapping out of my trance, only to see nothing. 

His eyes widened as he stared at your empty bed, letting a small 'tch' escape his clenched teeth as he snapped his head around in almost slow motion. Acting quickly, you kicked the dip of his back and grabbed his shirt collar, flinging him over your shoulder in an adrenaline rush- accidentally removing his shirt in the process as he used your grip of only his shirt to his advantage. Before you could process what was going on- he wrapped his legs around your shoulders as he fell, flipping your body over him and onto the ground where he sat on your chest- pining your arms with his feet as he pointed a gun towards your forehead as he leaned over your head. Coughing violently, a familiar metallic taste in your mouth as your tongue bleed. 

You opened your eyes slightly, watching him steady his breathing with a dark look on his face. His beautiful features seemed oblivious to the hellish situation you were both plagued with- sending memories flooding back to you as you stared at the two scars on his shoulder.

"...It's you."

"You might not remember since it was a long time ago, but we have tried to kill her before. You were in the team- she was the only one to escape."  

~it's flashback time my dudes~

"Levi! The girl is headed outside!" Erwins voice rang through my earpiece, making my body move on it's own. 

"On it!" I yelled back, running at full speed towards the door and fly-kicking the young girl who flung herself out the door in desperation to escape her fate. She flew several feet, skidding across the ground to a stop. Balancing myself- I glanced at her only to notice a gun in her hands- pointed directly at me. 

Time stopped as my ears rang and my shoulder burned- my hand clenching it as I watched her run away as I collapsed onto my knees, unable to move. I couldn't even feel the pain- it was like my body hadn't even registered what had happened. (A/N: shock.)

"Did you get her?" I heard a familiar voice call out, rushing out of the house. Trembling, the pain started to come to me. 

"No... She got me." My voice barely above a whisper, hearing Erwin call out to me as everything went black.


A tear dropped from my face- rolling down her (s/k) cheek. I flinched as her mouth tugged into a small smile, her lips letting out a relieved sigh as she chuckled softly. I clenched my jaw, tightening my grip on the gun.

"Go ahead- count it as a favour." Her voice was soft, and stupidly calm. A small 'Tch' escaped my lips as I was plagued with thought. 

"I just might accept your offer if you keep that stupid fucking smile." My voice was barely above a whisper, sending chills down her spine. "Tell me, if a brat is so prepared to die- why haven't made your way out already."

"Because of the guilt." She whispered.

"Tch... The guilt?" I dared her to continue.

"My parents were horrible people who got themselves into the situation on their own- but I fear I brought this upon myself when I shot you. That's where my guilt resides." I cocked an eyebrow, finding humour in her words. 

"You were doomed from just being their daughter- not because you shot me." She rolled her eyes at my words, ignoring me.

"I felt guilt for shooting you. I could have taken your life- then I would've been no different from my parents or you." She confirmed, staring right into my eyes with her (e/c) pair. "So go ahead, shoot me. I can rest easy knowing I didn't affect you in any way." 

I grunted, throwing the gun violently across the room, holding myself up with my arms. "Tch..." My body was moving on its own- but I can't help but agree with it. I watched her from the corner of my eye raise an eyebrow with a puzzled look on her face- her mouth slightly agape. I stumbled upwards, towering over her. 

"...Sir?" I glanced back at her, before walking towards my gun, and placing it back in its holder and placing my shirt back on. "You don't have the right to just throw your life away for something as pathetic as that. When I'm back, you better be worth the kill." I made my way towards the door, grabbing the knob. 

"How about a lover?" She called out. I turned my head slightly back to look at her, supporting herself on the ground with her arms with a cocky smirk on her face. My eyes scanned her whole body and without even fighting it, my lip tugged into smirk to match hers- only sadistic instead.

"You sick bastard." 

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