"We are glad you are still here today."

"I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for airing out all this information. I'm going to get told its all fake and an act. Luke's going to come out with his own statement, I know how the entertainment business works. It's only about having your own back. I don't care about all of that though. I don't care if people like me. I just want to prove or show at least one person out there that it is okay to get hurt. It is okay to fall in love with your best friend. It is okay to be broken, lost and used. It makes you into a new person, a better person, a stronger person."

"Are you ever going to return to make some music?" I laughed a little.

"I'm always making music. Even though it was Luke and I's thing to do together it helps me get through a rough day. Putting words to pen and paper gets them out of you. It's hard bottling things up, it's never good. So I do my best to put my feelings into songs so I'm not suffering like I did for so long. Emery Blake isn't gone for good I can make you that promise."

"How about we take a quick break and throw on your last hit Mistake?"

"Sounds great!" Our mics cut as my song began to play. I looked down at my phone taking a sip of water. My mum had texted me letting me know how proud of me she was. She knew how hard all of this was for me. She would always have her daughters back.

"Welcome back! We are still here with Emery Blake. Send in questions you'd like to have her answer. So do you still talk with any of 5 seconds of summer?"

"I do. There is no doubt that I still care deeply about them. Ashton is the big brother I never had. Michael is the big cuddly teddy bear everyone thinks of him as. Calum is just a big anchor. They all have been there for me through everything. There hasn't been a day since I did my disappearing act that they haven't messaged me. They check on me constantly. They are the three greatest guys."

"The first question has come in, will you and Luke ever be friends again?" I shook my head.

"Unfortunately, as much as it pains to say that I've lost a best friend of 18 years I don't think I could ever forgive him. Now I can't say it will never happen but not any time soon I don't think."

Tons of questions came piling in from people. It felt like I sat there for hours answering them even though it was only about 15 minutes.

"Thank you for joining us today Emery. It was nice having you."

"No thank you for having me. It was so nice to talk with you and clear the air."

I said goodbye to everyone at the station before heading home. It was almost the instant I pulled into my driveway my phone dinged with a text from the band collectively. I called them straight up before I went inside.

"Well hello three stooges."

"Emzy I told you not to tell everyone about us!" Calum joked. I cleared it with him before leaving for the station this morning. I got all permission to tell the story how it was. I mean all permission besides Luke's. "We have surprise just so you know."

"Jesus Christ, why?" I groaned unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Look behind you, you idiot." I turned around to see the three of them standing behind my car. I dropped my phone and quickly got out and pulled the three of them into a hug. I hadn't seen them in two months. I hugged them so abrupt Ashton almost dropped his phone in the process.

"Why are you here?" I looked at the three of them collectively. "Aren't you supposed to be on tour?" I held my hands together out of pure excitement.

"We have a break, we missed our families so here we are."

"More like you missed famous Emery Blake." I posed for them. It caused them to laugh and I followed. I took a photo of the four of us posting the first photo to social media since my black out from the internet.

@EmeryBlake: Squad back together again. I missed my three stooges.

@Calum5SOS: Emzy still killing it.

@Ashton5SOS: Remmy is still tying with my real sister for best sister, sorry Lauren. Love you.

@Michael5SOS: Em you are my little cuddly human.

I laughed at all of their responses. It felt incredible to have my best friends back in town. Even if it was just for a few days. I didn't know what the next few days would bring. I didn't know if I was quite ready for anything that was coming my way really. I hadn't been around this many people since my hiatus from life. It was difficult to deal with personalities in person but I was getting used to it. I wasn't going to let my own fear stop me from having fun.


what an absolute shit show for emery. was it right for emery to do that? probably not. does emery do as she please? of course. she don't have time to follow rules.

at least she has 3 of her best friends. that's all she really needs to keep her head a float. but what do you really think about her and luke? are they really over forever?

let me know in a comment. also dont forget to give the chapter a vote if you enjoyed.

much love


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