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Some things you need to know:

(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(H/c) = hair colour
(E/c) = eye colour
(F/c) = fave colour
(S/f/c) = second fave colour
(F/f) = fave food
(F/d) = fave drink
(M/n) = middle name


Your P.O.V.

Even though it was all like 3 hours ago I still feel... confused about this whole thing. I thought I knew Gene so well. He never mentioned having a sister. It was embarrassing thinking he was cheating on me when he actually misses his sister. And I never made him regret like I said I would. I guess it's ok since I know the story now.

"Dinner." Mom called. Where were you yesterday when I needed dinner?

"Coming!" I yelled jumping up off the bed and running downstairs.

"So. What are you being for halloween?" She asked.

"I dont know, mom. You see, there is a thing called homework that doesn't leave me any time to think about it." I answered smartly.

"Well you better get thinking. It's next week." She said.

"It is?! I thought there was still like a month left!" I exclaimed.

"You should get more sleep. You're on that phone so much that it seems like time isnt passing." She replied.

"Hey, the phone is not leaving me. No one dares to touch my phone or I'll leave them in a puddle of blood." I said in a low voice.

"Eat." She replied.


You're as smart as a gold fish (Y/n)! Almost no brain at all. Didnt mom tell you not to stay up on that phone for too long. But it's only 9:00p.m. Why should I be worried? I'm meant to go to sleep at 10:00p.m. I better not be tired in the morning because if I am... mom will kill me. She's always right. And I guess she's right about me being very tired in the morning.

(In the morning)

I woke up on the floor. AGAIN!? What in the world?! Why cant I just sleep in the bed? I yawned. Stupid school. If not for you I could sleep right now. I should get ready.

Yay. I love updating in time. I hope this is making up for the times I was being lazy, tired, not in the mood to update and so on. Ok. I'm gonna go and be lazy again. Bye!


Flames Of Love (Gene X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now