Chapter 1

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*Jade's POV*

I woke up this morning by my alarm clock. I clicked the snooze button and winced from the pain in my arm. I laid there on my bed looking up at the ceiling, waiting for my numbness to fade.

I looked down and winced when I saw bruises and dried up blood on my body. I should be getting used to the beatings since It's been happening for eight years but I always have a little spark of hope inside me that my pack will come to their senses. . .

I got up from my bed with great difficulty, and made my way into the restroom. I looked in the mirror and sighed when I saw my appearance. A 5'2 girl with dark brown hair, pale skin, a couple blemishes here and there, a button nose and big brown eyes that used to have life in them.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:50 am. I have time for a quick shower, I thought. I got in and took a quick shower. I avoided making contact with the bruises, quickly brushed my teeth and went back to my room to pick my clothes.

I quickly got a bra and underwear, and put them on. I'm grateful that my pack at least had the heart to spare me it. I bent down and took out a suitcase from under my bed. I opened it and chose an oversized warn out purple shirt, and sweats. I put the suitcase back under my bed and put my old converse on.

You might be wondering, why does she keep her clothes under her bed? Simple. I do it because my pack will find them and rip them apart like they've done to my previous clothes.

I had forgotten about the bruises in my body until I stopped what I was doing and silently groaned in pain. 'Come on Jade we've done this before and we can do it now' my wolf said gently.

'You're right Mell'. I got up and went downstairs to make breakfast for the pack. If it wasn't for my wolf Mell, I wouldn't know what to do.

It was 6:30 when everyone started coming into the kitchen. "Hey bitch come give us our food!" Ashley screamed. Or should I say 'the plastic bitch'

I quickly went over to the table where everyone was seated and served them all their breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, cut fruit and orange juice. Sound good right? If only I could eat it.

They all started eating and laughing with their friends while I stayed in the corner waiting for the Alpha. Alex comes into the kitchen and everyone bows their heads in respect including me.

I quickly take his food and place it in front of him "Here's your food Alpha Alex" I say in a hushed tone with my head down. "Good now get out of my sight" he growls. I quickly bow and go back to my corner

"Happy 18th birthday Alpha!" Pack members say in unison. My brother Eric says "today is the big day man, you'll finally get your mate today!" They all cheer excited for having a Luna. "Yeah man I can't wait till I find her" Alpha Alex smiles, my heart flutters.

Alex is honestly the most attractive guy I've seen. He has black hair that falls a little over his eyes. He's very powerful like any other Alpha but I'm extremely curious about his eye color. I've never really seen his eyes because I always have my head down in his presence so I have no idea what they look like.

Alpha Alex is always an exception for my wolf. Even though he does take part of my abuse, Mell never seems to hate him for it. Probably because of his looks.

I look down and smile to myself. I can't wait to find my mate

"What are you smiling about?!" Ashley screams. I look up and before I could answer, I feel a painful sting on my cheek. The pack laughs and they all walk out to got to school.

I pick up the dishes and grab my backpack and run out the door, not wanting to be late to class again. I made it just before the tardy bell rang and I mentally thank my wolf for helping me get on time.

"Good morning class, today we are having a new student so everyone please make her feel welcomed." We have a new student coming? Oh well must be an honors student or something to get into school when it's half over. Everyone looked up, as soon as the door opened.

"Everyone this is Layla Michaels" Mrs. Stone said. As soon as she entered every girl began thier usual gossip. This time I don't blame them though. Layla was beautiful. She had blonde hair which you could tell was natural, bright green eyes, a heart shaped face, and plump lips. She stood at about 5'6. She had an aura of friendliness but I knew better not to judge. I turned back and put my backpack on my desk, taking out my homework.

'I don't like her' Mell said. 'What's wrong Mell?' I thought. Mell usually isn't one to dislike people who have done nothing wrong. Obviously Ashley is never on my wolf's good side. I didn't get a reply back. Layla hasn't done anything wrong so I don't know why Mell is like this. I shrugged it off but winced at the bruises.

I've been too busy taking out my homework that I jumped when I heard the chair next to me screech. "Mind if I sit here?" I looked up and saw Layla smiling down at me. "Uh yeah sure" why would she want to sit near me when there are plenty of seats empty? That's when I noticed that the entire class was looking. Some of my pack members giving me glares while others looked at me with disgust. "Thanks" I looked down throughout the whole Math lesson.

After class-

I collected all my things and went out into the hallway. As soon as I turned the corner, I bumped into someone making me fall backwards. I looked up and was about to apologize when I saw Alpha Alex standing above me. It felt as if time had completely stoped and it was just me and him. I had this chance to finally see his eyes and was amazed at what I saw. Two very gorgeous grey eyes looked down at me with such intensity it made chills go up my spine. Good ones. My wolf was houling with joy 'Mate! Jade this is our mate!' I was so surprised that the thing that brought me back to reality was the ring of the bell.

I got up with a giant smile on my face. I found my mate! I looked up again at his eyes and found one thing I was not expecting. Disgust. I frowned "Alex ar-?" I suddenly felt two strong hands around my neck. "It's Alpha Alex to you mutt" I gasped trying to get air into my lungs. "Mate" I managed to say which only made his grip tighter. "I am not your mate nor will I ever be" he said in a threatening voice which made me whimper. He smiled and forcefully pushed me into the lockers. My head banged against them and I can already feel blood going down my neck.

"Don't tell anyone about this or you'll be sorry" Alex said before walking away as if nothing happened.

I felt tears going down my cheeks but I didn't have the strength to wipe them away. 'Mate' my wolf and I whimpered.

Author's Note: Hey everyone, this is my first story on wattpad so please spare me^.^
comment, vote, follow, and all that please!! I will update regularly since I'm always on wattpad.

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