Chapter 2

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*Jade's POV*

With all the strength I had left, I picked myself up and slowly made my way out the school gates, biting my lip to stop myself from screaming in pain. 'We can do it Jade' Mell said. Even she sounded weak. I nodded and eventually pulled myself out of school into the forest.

Right when I made it out into the forest, immediately my body fell to the ground. My bones hurt and I probably looked like a fish out of water, trying to get air into my lungs. Why would my mate do that to me?

As soon as I thought about Alex, a sting began in my stomach. Each second it felt more painful, 'Mell what's happening?!' I gasped and tears rolled down my dirty face. I didn't hear a reply. I became stiff as the pain grew from my stomach to every inch of my body. Am I dying? I couldn't take the pain anymore and even if this were to get me killed, I called out to Alex.

'A-Alpha Ale-ex please h-help m-' I couldn't even finish that because I felt my heart stop. I couldn't breathe or move. That's when darkness took over.


I shivered and hugged myself, trying to feel heat. That's when I remembered what happened. I gasped and opened my eyes. It took a couple seconds for me to register where I was. I was still in the forest. The same spot I had been when I fell down. I whimpered when the cold night air consumed me. My sweats and shirt weren't helping at all. I looked down at my body and saw that my clothes where covered in dirt from the forest.

I felt my face and it was dry from all the tears. I must look like a mess. I got up slowly, not trying to hurt myself more than I already was. What was that terrible pain? I didn't know but whatever it is, I never want to feel it again.

I made my way out of the forest. The sky was a little dark it must be around six. Wow, I've been laying in the forest for almost ten hours? I gasped when realization came to me that dinner must be near. If I'm not there to make dinner, no one will. Another beating is sure waiting for me when I get there. As fast as my body let me, I was able to get to the pack house in nearly forty minutes. The school isn't that far but in the condition I'm in, it took way longer than expected, even with my wolf helping me but still I mentally thanked her again.

I opened the door and noticed that everyone was gone. I looked around the whole house and nothing. No soul was here. Where was everybody? I went into the kitchen and contemplated whether I should still make dinner or not. It's almost seven which is usually when everybody comes down to eat. That's when my eyes landed on a note stuck to the fridge. I walked over to it

'Everyone went out to dinner since your worthless self wasn't here to cook. You'll be sorry when I get back.'

I dropped the note. My hands were shaking as was the rest of my body. I really messed up this time but can you blame me?

It was from Alex. I still smelled his scent here which means that him and the pack left about ten minutes ago. My shaking stopped and my wolf stirred a little at the scent of her mate and I got to admit I did enjoy it as well. It was like a fresh forestie smell with a hint of chocolate. Yeah I know it must sound weird but it smells delightful. I giggled at the thought of a big tough Alpha, smelling like sweet chocolate. Only mates can really identify their other's scent. My smile dropped when I remembered what happened at school.

"I am not your mate nor will I ever be"

My heart stung and my wolf whimpered. I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts. Wait! The kitchen was empty which meant that I can finally taste my own food! I smiled wide again and quickly began to make what the pack members have not tried.

I made a juicy steak covered with honey. Yeah I know my taste buds are strange. I looked in the fridge and found some left over mashed potatoes from last night's dinner. My stomach rumbled and I giggled, imaging how it'll taste.

After a whole thirty minutes, I served myself and sat down to eat. As soon as I took a bite, I moaned at the taste. I never knew I was this good at cooking! My pack usually leaves me their left overs which consists of very small portions since werewolves have a big appetite. That'll explain why my ribs show. I ignored all that and scarfed down every crumb. I sighed in content and patted my belly. For once in eight years I finally got a good and full meal. I looked at the time and my eyes almost popped out of my head. Alex will arrive any minute! I got the plate and washed it as clean as possible so they won't notice that I ate.

After everthing was cleaned up and put away, I ran up to the attic which was my room. Just as I laid down on what nobody would call a "bed", the door opened and in walked the pack. I heard laughter coming from downstairs and cracked a tiny smile. At least they're happy. Everybody went into their rooms getting ready for bed. I closed my eyes, feeling tired when the door to my "room" opened and slammed shut. I yelped at the sudden noise and opened my eyes to see Alex hovering above me. I got up and stood infront of him with my head down showing respect. "Hello Alpha Alex, did you enjoy your meal?" I asked. Even to my own ears, I sounded shaky and scared. It was quiet. I looked up and was once again captivated by his grey eyes. A blush rose from my neck to my cheeks. I couldn't read the emotions held in his eyes.

I was about to ask what was wrong when his fist connected with my cheek. I fell backwords and landed on my back. I groaned and felt another blow to my stomach. I coughed up blood and hissed in pain. I was picked up by my shirt and was forced to look into his eyes which were full of hatred. I felt tears build up in my eyes.

"You ate didn't you bitch?" he asked with a sinister smile. I couldn't lie to him so I silently nodded. "Yes Alpha" he growled and I whimpered. He dropped me on the ground and kicked me in the stomach

"What have I told you about eating Jade?" he asked in a sickly sweet voice. "Do not eat unless it is what the pack has left over" I repeated the rule he gave me years ago. "And yet you disobeyed. Do you know what the punishment is for breaking the rule Jade?" I have never broken any rule so he's never had to punish me for it. "N-no Alpha" I stuttered. I was yanked by my hair and was now looking straight up at him. "Well you're going to find out right now." before I could even think, my clothes were ripped off my body which only left me in my bra and underwear.

My hands immediately went to cover my body but Alex grabbed both of them and pinned them with one hand, putting extra force into them. "W-wait no p-lease Alex do-n't do this!" I said as I felt my wrists break and a sting in my cheek. "It's Alpha Alex to you, dirty bitch" I gasped when the rest of my clothing was ripped apart which now left me naked. Alex growled and I sobbed. This can't happen! This was supposed to be a special moment not like this! I tried my best to get out of his grip but with one last punch from him, I was knocked out.

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