Chapter 30

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This is taking place the moment Alex went in search for Connor in chapter 27.


*Jade's POV*

After Alex had ordered the pack to go inside the house, it didn't take long for them to go to sleep. I was going to as well until I heard the back door close. I stood up from my bed and silently made my way down the stairs in the direction the sound came from. I opened the back door and immediately felt the cold wind against my exposed arms and toes. I hugged myself and took small steps to the torn clothes on the grass.

I picked up my mate's scent and sure enough, they were his clothes. My heart stopped for a second when a million possibilities crossed my mind. Is he hurt?

I clutched the torn material to my small frame and looked into the woods where his scent led. My body had a mind of it's own and started following his scent. The wind seemed to have gotten a little colder or it probably must have been me. Looking around at the woods, I never noticed how beautiful it looks. The tall trees, bushes, and everything else moved against the wind making it look even more breath taking.

Why had I never been here?

I continued my journey deeper into the forest when I heard a branch snap in the distance. I stopped dead in my tracks. Was that Alex? I sniffed the air but instead of the heavenly chocolate scent, I was met with something fowl. Something that was definitely not a werewolf.

I heard a faint giggle in my head and shivered. It sounded exactly like the female voice I previously heard in the kitchen earlier. Suddenly my stomach erupted in pain and I groaned as I fell to my knees. No not this again!

It became hard to breathe and I coughed out blood. My eyes widened. Blood? But this is never happened before! I heard footsteps and lifted my head up slightly to see who it was.

The only thing that stood out most about the giant dark figure was its blood red eyes. A vampire. How did it get past the guards? Did he kill them?! Oh no. Alex. I whimpered at the thought of him injured but at the same time it angered me. The clothes I held on for dear life in my grip were torn. . . did he hurt Alex?

"What's wrong little one? Can't stand up? Can't run away?"

He gripped my hair tight and lifted my head up so his eyes peirced through mine. Now I was able to see who he was. This person looked no older than 20 with dirty blonde hair. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans. Why was he here?

The guy smirked as he took in my appearance. "One eye white and the other brown. You're unique in more ways than one aren't you?"

I didn't say anything but flinched at his death grip. "I was sent here to fetch you. I was expecting more of a challenge but it was pretty simple." He chuckled but stoped when I spat some of the blood that was in my mouth onto his cheek.

The smirk that was on his face changed into a sneer. I was pushed up against the tree roughly and received blow after blow to my mouth and stomach. "P-please stop" I stuttered. He gripped my neck tight "apologize bitch!"

"Don't say it."

The female voice ordered. I don't know why, but I followed what it said and kept my bruised and blooded lips shut. "Not going to apologize huh? What about now?" He threw me to another tree and the impact caused a loud snap coming from my shoulder. A scream automatically left my lips.

"I'm s-so" I couldn't make out the words as the voice in my head repeated again,

"Don't say it!"

I listened and closed my mouth again no matter how bad I wanted to scream due to the pain in my shoulder and stomach. "Oh? What's this?" He picked up Alex's clothes that I had accidently dropped. "M-mine" I managed to say. He chuckled and tore what was left of it, "Not yours anymore"

"Kill. Smear his blood all over the ground. Make him pay for disprespecting us! "

Yes. Make him pay. I let out a scream as I forced my shoulder back into place and stood up. I don't know why, but I started laughing. Laughing as if someone had just done the funniest thing in the world.

"What the fuck are you laughing at bitch?" The vampire grunted and clenched his fists. After a couple more seconds, my full on laughter turned into giggles.

"Your body is going to be up there" I giggled uncontrollably while pointing at a tree in the far distance. "And-" I laughed while pointing at the ground "your blood will be everywhere."

The wind picked up as my giggling continued. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" He asked but from his tense posture I could tell that he knew what it meant. I stumbled as I attempted to stand but my legs were weak. My head snapped to the side as the vampire punched me across the cheek.

I laughed and turned to face him. As soon as I did, he let out a slight gasp. "You're disrespecting your queen." With all my strength I managed to stand as he slowly stepped back.

By now this thing inside me had taken over my voice. "You wanted me to apologize to you?" She laughed "Don't make me sick!" The ground shook a little and a red fire like aura grew more each second under my feet. Every step she took towards him made the vampire step back until he was pressed against a tree. "You know, if you wouldn't have done what you did earlier I might have spared your life" She said with a smile that was anything but pleasant. "And for that I'll show you just what I can really do to the ones who disrespect me!"

She quickly stepped back and peirced her nails into his throat. Blood instantly flowed down her hands and onto the ground. The vampire's eyes almost popped out of his head. "See? It doesn't feel that good, does it?" With the other hand, she got one arm and twisted it enough for it to tear out of his body and to my horror, it did. She laughed hysterically and did the same to his other arm. His screams echoed through the forest.

"Apologize to me now, sweetie" She said with her nails still latched onto his throat. "Wait hold on a second! This forest looks a little boring don't you think?" She sauntered over to both of his arms which were on the ground, detached from his body. "It just needs some homey touches" She went over to a tree and draped his bloody arm over a branch then did the same to the other.

"You wi-ll p-pay for this" He muttered with hatred. Those were his last words before she twisted his head and he was gone.

By now all his limbs were scattered around the trees as well as his blood. "Didn't that feel great?" I heard a second later. Yes. Yes it did. "And this is just the beginning Jade."

I let out a breath as I came back to my senses. I looked at my hands and gasped at all the blood that I saw. My body began to tremble. I did this. It's my fault he's dead. I'm a killer. A monster.

"No this isn't me it isn't me!" I screamed. What have I done? I looked at what was infront of me and cried. His head looked back at me with empty, soulless eyes.

I turned right on my tracks and ran as fast as I could just to get away from that spot. My tears clouded my vision but I continued running until I reached the pack house. It was deadly silent when I heard Alex's voice just inches away. He's alive.

"Jade. . . is it you?" he asked. His voice both shaky and anxious. I didn't turn around because he would have seen my blood stained and bruised face. I shook my head. "I'm turning into something and I don't know what." I covered my face as the tears came out full force now. Alex didn't say a word. Nothing. "I'll be in my room Alpha Alex." I said silently and ran into the house and up to my room.

I pressed my face into my pillow to quiet down my sobs. This thing is taking over me fast and I have a feeling that the next time it happens, it will be permanent


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