Chapter 34

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*Jade's POV*

I couldn't stand being in my own skin. I couldn't stand being any where near my family who were sleeping at the moment. I needed to get out of here.

I went out through the back door a couple hours after the incident with Eric and slowly walked through the forest. I didn't care if a vampire came out to kill me because that's exactly what I wish would happen. I want to be dead. I know I have Alex and Connor but some day, they'll come to realize who I really am. They both know. And it's only a matter of time before they leave me just like Eric did again.

And I don't think I could take that much pain anymore.

The thoughts of them both disappearing from my life too made my small walks turn into running. I ran until I couldn't feel my legs. They soon gave out on me and I went falling into the dirt. By now, my entire body hurt. My chest ached, my legs felt numb, elbows and arms were scraped from the fall, and I was out of breathe.

I crawled over to a tree and sat on the ground with my back leaning against it. "Mom, dad, you know I didn't mean for all of this to happen, right?" I whsipered as I looked up at the star lit sky. "I know you probably hate me. Heck I even hate myself. . . but please forgive me." I closed my eyes as tear drops fell on my arms. "Alpha and Luna, please forgive me too. . . If I could take that day back, I would without a second thought." I sniffed and rested my head on my knees that were pulled up to my chest. "I'm sorry Alex for taking away your family. Connor, you shouldn't have let me live. You should have killed me the moment we met. And Eric. . . I'm sorry for everything I did. I know I'm a monster."

The forest seemed eerie and deadly silent that it was almost suffocating. "Jade" my heart stopped. I slowly lifted my head and stood up. "M-mom?" I looked around frantically but didn't see her. Was I going crazy? "Jade, over here." I turned around as I heard the voice I've been dreaming of for years. "Dad?" I heard the soft chuckle of my mother and father in the distance. So I followed it. The deeper I went, the more darker the forest appeared. "Sweetheart, come on."  I heard dad's soft but rough voice. I still couldn't see them but I smiled and nodded.

I soon reached a wide area where there wasn't much trees which looked a little strange to me. "Mom? Dad?" Not one sound was heard. "Where are you?" I asked at the now silent forest. "Over here, darling" My vision centered on two moving figures that were emerging from the darkness.

But it wasn't my parents. They were hunters.

Two bodies turned into four and four turned into ten until I was completely surrounded by men who had guns of different sizes as well as bow and arrows aimed at me. The scent of metallic silver was very evident.

"What do you think boys? I told you it'd be a piece of cake." One man spoke with arms crossed. The men chuckled. He looked to be around his thirties but I could be mistaken. His appearance was anything but kind. "Missing mommy and daddy, kitten?" the man chuckled.

The one standing next to him looked like a younger version of him. "Can I keep her? She looks pretty cute." w-what? Oh no. I tried to not show how scared I was but I wasn't doing a good job at it "We need her alive. . . but the boss did say we could do whatever we wanted." The first guy said with an evil look in his eye. His smile grew when I whimpered. "Okay. Have at it." The younger one made a small motion with his head and a man began walking towards me. I did the only thing I could think of. I bolted at the tiniest opening I found. Before I could even make five steps, I was kicked to the ground.

I fell for the second time today. More blood coming from my wounds. "Little trouble maker aren't you?" I didn't say anything.  The younger one walked towards me and in a swift movement, pierced a needle in my arm. Silver. I screamed in pain as it slowly mixed in with my blood.

Laughter was all I heard the more I cried and withered on the dirt. My vision became blurry agonizing minutes later. I felt myself being lifted and thrown over someone's shoulder. "I have a feeling this one will be a lot of fun." was the last thing I heard before I was pulled into darkness.

*Alex's POV*

I woke up earlier than usual because Connor said he had some sort of idea. As I got in my car and headed to school, I had the feeling that something was off. 'Cane. You alright?' I asked him. 'I don't know' He said nervously.

I reached the school and met up with Connor who was leaning against the brick wall with a frown on his face. "So you feel it too" I mumbled as I leaned on the wall. Connor suddenly turned and punched the wall, leaving a not so little dent. "What the fuck is it?!" I stayed quiet and looked ahead. 'Oh shit. Alex, it's Jade! Something is wrong!' Cane suddenly growled. My eyes widened and so did Connor's. He must have figured it out too. "Jade." he whispered.

At the same time, we bolted to the forest. I transformed into my wolf and ran as fast as I could. Connor at my side with his vampire speed, eyes glowing red and mine black.

I was able to make out her scent and it led me deep into the forest. We both stopped when we stood in the middle of a clearing. Connor instantly went towards an area and bent down on his knee. It was blood. Blood mixed with silver.

Cane sneered when I did. Jade's smell ended here. No other direction did it lead us. Connor stood up and looked at me. His eyes seemed to have gotten a deeper red, almost black. At the same time, we bolted towards my territory. It took us a while but when we reached it, everybody had already gone to school.

I transformed back into my human form, put on some shorts all while going straight to my office with Connor behind me. I mindlinked my guards 'RACK UP THE TRACKERS NOW!' I ordered and got an instant response by all of them at the same time 'Yes Alpha'

Connor looked at me dead in the eye with fists clenched. "It's up to us now."

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