Chapter 35

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*Connor's POV*

Fifty, maybe even more, trackers all gathered in the backyard. Both male and female. Some in their wolf form and others in their human form. Alex was on a podium while I was at his side. Every once in a while, a couple eyes were diverted to me with curiosity. Slowly, one by one came to realize what I really was.

"But Alpha, why are we helping a vampire! He's our enemy!! Are we at war!?" One female tracker asked with not fear, but with a look that was very clear to me. They didn't like me at all.

"ENOUGH" Alex said calmly, making all the fuss stop immediately. "You will do as I say. We are going to search for someone as soon as possible." He took out one of Jade's t-shirts from behind his back and tossed it to them. "Her name is Jade Fawn. Sixteen years old, 5'2, brown eyes and hair."

Every wolf sniffed the peice of clothing and passed it down to one another until they all had her scent. "Isn't that the girl who tried to ki- " One was about to ask, but was interrupted "No if, buts, etcetera. You will not object or the penalty is death." Alex snapped. The pack gulped and nodded. "We believe Jade was taken by hunters from deep within the forest." His posture became rigid as well as mine. "We have no trace of where she was taken. They used silver so you must be aware at all times. Cover every single inch. Leave nothing out."

That's when I spoke, "We must find her as soon as possible. Every second counts." Alex grunted in agreement. "Good luck." With just those last words, the pack bowed "Yes Alpha." And with clear dedication in their eyes, everyone turned and instantly disappeared into the forest. Alex looked at me with something in his eye I couldn't make out. He gave a slight nod before changing into his enormous, black wolf, let out howl, and dashed after his pack.

I was at his side in a second.

*Jade's POV*

I always assumed that pain was temporary. That only time can take away one's suffering. Even though it's only been a day that I've been taken away, it feels as if it were decades. In just this time, I really wish I was dead. "Come on, kitten! You can't keep passing out on us, it's no fun!" The man said followed by laughter. I kept thinking to myself, what was so funny?

I screamed and cried for the millionth time as whip after whip was slashed throughout  my body. Silver knives penetrated my skin as well, along with other objects and weapons. Especially on my legs so I wouldn't be able to walk or get away. I was naked which made everything more painful. I tried to cover myself as much as I could but they eventually got frustrated. My wrists were chained tight against a wall. Every move I made burned my skin because the chains held silver too.

"Please stop!" I tried to say but with my voice dry and having a tight mask covering my mouth, made it impossible to speak or mumble. "Oh? What was that?" he taunted. "Come on baby girl, speak up!" He smiled evilly at me. Tears ran down my blood covered face. I barely had enough strength to keep my eyes open. Why can't they just kill me already?

The man lifted up the whip over his head when someone came in through the cellar door. "The boss is coming." I looked over at the person who spoke but they were already gone. The voice sounded familiar.

Everybody quickly got up and walked out the door. I was left alone in a matter of seconds. All that I heard was my heavy breathing and the sound of heels approaching. The door was swung open and my eyes widened at the person who was standing in doorway, with a big smirk on their face.


"Well don't you look beautiful." My heart beat increased with ever step she took towards me. She leaned down and sniffed me. Her eyes glowed red. "Delicious. . . tears mixed with blood make it all more tasteful." I moved away from her and pushed myself closer to the insanely freezing wall if that was even possible.

She stood up and crossed her arms, "I warned Connor multiple times that something will happen but-" She sighed. "He just wouldn't listen." She sat down on a chair that was across from me a couple feet away.

"This is all because of you. You see, I can't have you ruining my chance at becoming Luna. I've noticed the way Alex has been acting lately and I don't like it at all." She pushed her blonde hair off her shoulder and sighed. "I told Connor over and over again to leave your pathetic self. I would have let you go down easy but nope. He wanted to "protect his mate" and crap."

Connor is. . . is my mate? This all makes sense! The feelings I've had towards him weren't just a little crush. . . he's my mate. But, is that even possible? Two mates? A werewolf and a vampire? That didn't matter as both my mates flooded my thoughts

"I was also going to get your brother against you but looks like you did that yourself" She said with a smile. My mind instantly replayed the memory and my heart broke even more. I hated myself even more.

Layla got up from her chair and walked over only to press her heel against my throat. The impact made my hair move away from my face. "Oh? What do we have here?" She looked at my entire face and laughed hysterically. "Wow my baby did a real job on you didn't he, Cyclops?"

I didn't let her know how much that hurt so I did my best to hold my tears back. "Now I know Alex and Connor definitely won't want you!" Her laughing increased as well as my breathing. With every second that passed, her heel dug more and more into my throat. She retreated the moment my vision was become dark. "I have a friend here for you, by the way Cyclops." I looked up at her confused. A friend? The only other friend that I have is. . .

The door opened at that exact timing and my eyes widened for the second time in disbelief.


I blinkind rapidly to see if I was hallucinating. I wasn't. He glanced at me with a sneer and walked forward until he stood beside Layla. "Wes is one of my kind, did you know?" She chuckled. "He knows how to hide it pretty well." Wesley looked over at me with a look of disgust.

"Do what you want." Layla said to him before turning around and walking out the door. I looked at him with pleading eyes hoping that he wouldn't do anything. Wesley pulled back his hand and slapped me across the cheek making my neck crack to the side. I whimpered at the pain.

He then ripped the mask off my mouth and threw it across the cell, "I want to hear your screams" he said evilly. I looked at him with tears in my eyes "Wesley you're my friend. . . what are you doing here?" I asked. All I got was a punch to my stomach making me cough out bood. I recieved hit after hit all over my body until I heard it. That voice.

'Sing your heart out.'

It said with a dark chuckle. Yes. Sing. I looked up at Wesley who was looking down at me with a smirk. It slowly vanished as I felt something take over me. And it felt fantastic. I felt stronger more than I have ever felt before in my entire life. My eyes slowly turned black.

I giggled and gave him a smile that made Wesley shiver. His eyes held nothing but fright. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" He screamed as an invisible force made his back slam against the wall across the cellar. My next words seemed to make him more horrified than he already was.

"You've all made a big mistake."

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