Chapter 37

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*Connor's POV*

All of us have been searching and searching everywhere we could for Jade. But nothing was coming up. Every second that passed, made me worry a million times more. My panic was slowly taking over no matter how hard I tried to hide it.

Suddenly, I felt something pulling me in a certain direction.

"Over there"

Both Alex and myself said at the same time. He must have felt it too. We looked at each other and without saying a word, Alex let out a loud, booming howl. The pack instantly followed their Alpha as we all headed deeper and deeper into the forest.

The further we went, the more tense the air became. This just proves it. . .

My speed faltered for a second as my heart clenched at the horrid image of my one and only. . . becoming wicked.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a voice just ahead of where we were. Jade's laughter. I ran even faster if that was possible.

Just hang on a little longer, love. I'm taking you out of this hell.

*Alex's POV*

I howled as my wolf and I sensed a heavy, tense feeling.

'Over there! It's Jade!' Cane practically shouted.

I snapped my head up and went closer to the sound of light laughter. My heart clenched for a milli second at the thought of Jade in trouble, but I removed that thought.

I need to focus.

I followed the smell of roses as fast as I could because it was rapidly disappearing but I still managed to trace it down.

The smell became stronger and stronger. And so did singing.

My ears perked and with my Alpha vision, I was able to make out a small figure on top of what looked like a wolf.

A wolf that looked awfully similar to her brother's.

*Jade's POV*

My warrior ran and ran for what seemed like hours until I felt something pulling me back. What was it?

I brushed it off and smiled at the power that I had. I never knew I was capable of all of this. All those moments where I thought nothing would ever go right in my life, became nothing.

Power flowed and rushed throught my veins that it was almost overwhelming. I wonder what else I could do?

I closed my eyes and let my voice take control with a smile on my face

"Where are the people that accuse me?

The ones who beat me down and bruise me?

They hide just out of sight, can't face me in the light

They'll return but I'll be stronger

God I want to dream again, take me where I've never been

I wanna go there, this time I'm not scared

Now I am unbreakable

It's unmistakable

No one can touch me, nothing can stop me

Sometimes it's hard to just keep going

But faith is moving without knowing

Cannot trust what I can see to reach my destiny

I want to take control but I know better

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