Chapter 32

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*Jade's POV*

It's been a couple days after the incident in the forest and things have gotten weird. Life in the pack is still the same but I noticed how Alex had changed. Now whenever he sees me, he immediately turns the other direction. He hasn't even spoken to me and honestly, it hurts. Yes I sound conpletely crazy. . . but I miss him. Connor has been overly protective of me lately and my feelings for him seem to grow every single passing day.

They're both driving me insane with confusion and I need to find out why.

I'm currently sitting in my seat, counting down the seconds until the bell rings. Finally when it does, I jump up and ran out to the door, waiting for Connor to come out since we have this same class together.

When he walked out, I took hold of his hand and pulled him to the side where no one would be able to hear us. Even then, I didn't let go of his hand for a couple seconds because of the tingles shooting up my arm. Eventually, I let go and looked up at him, "Jade, we gotta get to class soon you know." Connor said, his voice sending shivers up my spine. "Connor, what's going on. Why are you acting differently." I asked. He stayed quiet for a moment but then answered, "what are you talking about?" I sighed "Connor you know what I mean" I said softly.

He stared at me and stepped closer. I held my breath as he gently pushed my bangs to the side and tucked them behind my ear. Now he had a full view of my whole face. His smile only grew. His eyes showing nothing but affection which made me feel warm on the inside. "Everything is fine, Jade. Don't worry about me." Connor whispered and kissed the side of my head.

In that one second, my worries flew out the window until he pulled away. "Things are getting weird Connor." I paused and hugged him. "You know you can come to me for anything right?" I said against his chest. Barely reaching it because of my height. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Yes I know" My face turned as red as a tomato and I smiled. "Just. . . . please be careful. Whatever is going on" He hugged me back, "Don't worry, alright?" I sighed and nodded. Clearly I wasn't going to get anything out of him so I just let it go for now.

The bell rang and we pulled away. "Come on I'll walk you to class." He said and indeed he did. Is it weird that I instantly wanted him near me the moment he left?

Soon enough lunch arrived and as soon as I sat down at my tree, Alex plopped himself next to me. Am I dreaming? My heart raced faster and my face got hot all over again. He didn't say a word and as I turned my head just the tiniest bit, I noticed he had a bag with him. What was in there?

For the beginning of lunch, there was an extremely awkward silence between us. Half of me was scared yet the other half was ecstatic. "Uh here" Alex said after a while. He placed the bag on my lap, "w-what is this?" I mumbled, too scared to open it. What if it was a trick? "It's yours just open it." He said impatiently with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

I starred at the bag. I gulped and opened it. My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw different kind of foods. There were chips, candy, and even cookies. I probably looked like a gaping fish out of water. Was this really all mine? My stomach growled and I blushed even harder.

Why does it have to make that noise now?!

I looked over at Alex to thank him but the spot next to me where he once was, was now empty. I looked across the yard and saw him walking into the school building. My face instantly grew a smile at his retreating figure. "Thank you" I whispered and dug into one of the many goodies that were in the bag. Most of them being chocolate. If anything, my smile widened.

First Connor and now Alex? Could this day get any better? Whatever the heck was going on, I hope it lasts forever.

*Alex's POV*

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