Waking Up His pov

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I had an amazing dream about Y/N last night. It was our wedding. She looked so beautiful in her white dress. Our kids, james and Emily, were the flower girls. Even though James was a guy he wasn't ashamed to say proudly that he was a flower girl.

But before we got the 'I do', the sun woke me up. I tried to get back to my beautiful dream but it didn't work. I sighted softly. I felt something crawling into my side.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the most beautiful girl in the world, cuddling into my side. I was so lucky to call her my girlfriend. She had the most beautiful blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She always said that she hated her laugh but it was music to my ears.

I carefully put an arm around her to pull her closer into me. Her head was on my warm chest. My heart was racing. Every time she touched me, that happened. I knew her for 8 months but she still got me the feeling like we just met. I took my other hand to get a piece of her face.

God she was beautiful, how on earth did I get a girl like that? I wished I could freeze this moment. She moved on my chest and looked up. To be meeted by my eyes. Her brown eyes were a bit tired but as happy as always.

''good morning love'' She said with a cracky voice. ''good morning princess'' I said with a deep voice. ''If were both awake, we need to get up'' Y/N groaned and went back to my chest and pulled the cover over her head. I laughed a bit.

Then she pulled the covers over my head as well and said '' but it's still dark'' She knew I was claustrophobic so she quickly pulled the covers off of my head. ''and now it's light'' I said. She groaned again and went back under the covers.

She climbed on me, with her head resting on my chest. The blanket was still on her head. ''you really wanna get up. usually your the one who holds me until I tickle you'' she had a point though. ''alright you win'' With that I grabbed the blanket on top of her head and pulled it all the way over her face.

She let out a relieved sighed and rested her head on my chest. She tried slipping down my body but I was holding her. After she knew it was useless to get off of me she just relaxed.

We laid like this for half an hour. in complete peace, forgetting the entire world. Until her beautiful head got out from the covers, still covering half her face, which caused her to smile. ''I'm hungry'' she whined. I kissed her nose, pulled the covers off of her.

We shivered a bit from the cold. I laid her next to me, got up and picked her up bridal style. She laughed which caused me to smile too. ''you know what these are'' she asked moving her feet ''those are my feet, I got them so I can walk by myself'' She said still half laughing. ''I know but a girl as beautiful doesn't need them'' ''because I got my beautiful prince to carry me around'' she said kissing my cheek.

I put her carefully on a chair in the kitchen and asked ''And what does my beautiful princess want to have for breakfast'' ''hmm, how about some eggs?'' ''The princess has spoken!'' I said which made her laugh.

She stood up and walked to the coffee machine. We always did this, I made the food, she the drinks and we both made the table. The eggs were done quickly and so was the coffee. We ate, laughed, drank, laughed and cleaned everything.

After that we went to the couch to watch some TV. Halfway in the episode of Friends she was asleep. I grabbed a blanket and pulled it over her. I turned the TV out and laid her on top of me. Slowly also falling asleep, The last thing I thought about was how lucky I was that I got her and to call her all mine. I fell asleep with the love of my life in my arms and a big smile on my face

The End

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