The Trip part 3

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After a while he got back with my wet pj's and our toothbrushes. He blushed red. he put the toothbrushes in a little bag, that fit perfectly in the suitcase. He was clueless what to do with the wet pj's.

He was afraid that when he put them into the suitcase it would make everything else wet too. I decided to step in. I jumped out of bed and walking towards Niall.

I took the clothes, and went to the closet. hotels always had those bags, where you could put in your laundry. I took it and put the wet clothes in them. I handed it to Niall, giving him a kiss on the cheek while giving it.

He looked a bit embarresed though, that he didn't think of that. I went back to the bed to play with my phone again. While I laid down, Niall put the clothes in the suitcase. He checked the entire hotelroom, to make sure he didn't forget anything. Every drawer, closet. Even the minifridge, which he took a lot of time at looking at all the food. After he double checked everything, he went to the bed and laid on top of me.

He grabbed my phone and threw it somewhere at my feet. ''get ready, we need to get out of here'' ''hmm, what did you do now?'' ''Nothing, but I'm hungry and I don't feel like going back to the hotel'' ''alright then. lets go. I'm starving!'' With that I climbed away from under Niall.

When I got out of his grasb, Niall also climbed of the bed. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. But before I could grap my suitcase Niall hold it already. ''No princess ever should carry their bags'' ''Niall, I'm not a cripple yet. I can carry my own bag'' ''Too bad''

With that he took off. I just laughed at him and ran after him. It was about 8am so I guess a lot people were mad at us for making a lot of noise. I could care less though, I had too much fun with Niall.

When he was at the elevator, it was a dead track. he pressed the button but the elevator wasn't fast enough. I reached him. ''give me the bag and no one gets hurt'' I said laughing and out of breath. ''NEVER!!'' he screamed, which a few people responded with their head out of their hotelroom door and shhhh him.

We didn't pay any attention to them. There was a little railing above the elevator. Niall saw this and put the bag into the railing. He could reach it, but I was too small and couldn't. I jumped, climbed on Nialls back but nothing seemed to work. Eventually I gave up. ''could you please get my bag?''

Niall laughed a little. ''only if you let me carry it'' ''fine'' I said defeated. Niall walked towards the bag and lifted it up. At that second the elevator went open, we went in. ''you know it isn't nice of you to tease someone because of their hight'' I said. ''perhaps, but you tease me more often with it'' He said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

The door went open and we went out, only to be meeted by what seemed thousands of screaming girls and paparazzi. We both put our heads down. I grabbed my bag and Niall didn't struggle. in replace of that I grabbed his hand, trying to calm him down a little.

''Go to the car, I'll see you there.'' I said into his ear. As respons he hold my hand tighter, telling me he wouldn't leave me. I pulled on his arm trying to get through the wall of screaming, crying and fainting girls.

Niall was being pulled sometimes but we both grabbed our hands tightly together. We were almost at the reception trying to check out, until I was pulled to the ground. Our hands were ripped from eachother.

We both screamed eachothers names but it was drowned by the Niall screams. I tried to get up, but was pulled down. Someone grabbed my hair. She wispered in my ear ''Niall doesn't deserve you. You're a bitch. You just have trouble to get out of something that isn't you business.'' I was scared,

I had to do something, this person is crazy! She let go of my hair. I rolled away from her reach. Once I thought I was away from her I got up. I quikly went to the reception and quikly paid for the hotelroom, I put my bag really quikly in the car, not caring to lock it, and went into the wall of girls again.

I pushed people aside, desperatly looking for Niall. I decided to go to the place where the screams were the loudest. Eventually I found him. He was signing and taking photo's. He looked at me and he seemed a bit relieved. I walked to him not caring who I knocked over and hugged him.

I wispered in his ear ''You wanna get out of here?'' I looked in his eyes and he nodded. We let eachother go, he gave the piece of paper he had signed back and took my hand. I pulled us through the crowd. I grabbed his hand tighter than ever, But eventually we got to the car.

We literally jumped in and locked the door. The girls were crazy they even slammed against the windows, trying to break them. I turned on the car and carefully drove off, trying not to hit anyone.

Eventually we were on the road again. I grabbed Nialls hand trying to calm him down a bit. Niall's breathing came regular again. ''Can you please pull over the car for a moment?'' He asked sweetly, but yet commanding. ''ok'' I said, turning into the parking lot of the road.

The second we stopped Niall grabbed me and hugged me. I hugged him back. ''I'm sorry, I was just so scared that I lost you'' He said ''Shhh, It's okay. Nothing happened'' ''But what if it did?'' he pulled away. I could see the tears in his eyes. It hurts me so badly to him like this.''You don't need to think in the what if world. Like what if we didn't meet at the park? Then how did our world looked. If you think too hard on the what if then your gonna become crazy!'' he smiled a little.

''ok, your sure you're alright.'' ''yeah. how about you'' ''One more thing'' ''okay'' Niall stepped out of the car, went to my side and held the door open. His head peeked through the door ''I'm driving'' I didn't argue with him.

Niall offered my his hand. I took it and went out. He quikly ran the other way of the car and held that door also open for me. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, before closing the door and going to the other side of the car.

Okay stupid ending but I really wanted to post something. It's been a really long time since I finished it, so here's part 3 I'm working on part 4. so please be patient. It'll make more sence if you read part 1 en 2 first. but that's you choice. If you want please look at my other Niall imagines too. Vote, Comment, tell your friends about it! anything you want! thanks for reading this:)

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