Midnight Memories

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Today was the day!! One Direction was gonna release their new video clip. Last time we broke vevo, I just hope we break the record this time. The fun part is, I haven't seen it yet. You'd think as Niall's girlfriend you can have all the deets before anyone else.

That's true, I could've seen it before it was released. But I wanted to relive my dedicated directioners days and be all excited and ready to break the record when it comes out. The last bell rung. I went home to my amazing boyfriend. Sadly he needed to stay in bed because of his knee surgery. I was kinda worried when it happened, but everything went right.

Lucky for me, because now I can help to break the record! Once I got home, I dropped my bag in the hallway and grabbed something to eat. I was always starving when I got home from school, work or even just the mail. I was just hungry all the time okay!

After I got a snack I went upstairs to Niall. ´´Hey´´ Niall said as soon as he saw me. He put his phone down and tried to stand up. ´´Nuh-uh, you need to stay in bed'' I said lightly pushing him so he falls with a plof back onto the bed. ''Do you want anything?'' I asked.

His eyes lit up and I knew exactly what that mend. ''I'll be right back with food'' I said smiling. He just layed his head back unto the pillow and moved on whatever he was doing on his phone. I went down and quickly made a sandwich for him. I gave it to him with a kiss on his temple and left. OMG!! ONLY A 1 HOUR TILL THE MUSIC VIDEO!! I screamed in my head.

I was so excited for it. I did care if we could break the record. I put everything ready. Drinks? check! blancket? check! Charger? Check! I mentally checked everything I needed tonight. oh god! only 5 minutes till the video releases! I was just checking some youtubers. I loved Tyler Oakley, even with the whole Liam drama. O2L is great to! they always make me laugh. Just more minutes before the vid.

Then Niall called for me. I litterly ran upstairs hoping to be on time. ''What is it Niall?'' I asked trying to sound nice, but I couldn't help but to sound a bit pissed-of. ''Can you bring your laptop up? I want to see your face when you watch the VT for the first time'' He said with a wide grin. I rolled my eyes and quickly pulled my laptop upstairs.

I refreshed the youtube page and saw that OneDirectionVevo had an update. I quickly clicked on it and watched the video. Niall was watching me carefully, but I didn't care. I was laughing almost the enitre video. Probably the loudest when Niall ate that piece out of the kebab and when Harry said call me! to one of the grandma's. ''How did you like it?'' He asked excidetly. ''I LOVED IT!!'' I yelled!

Then I opened 8 tabs and playing the video in all 9 of them. ''Euhmm..what are you doing love?'' Niall asked me a bit unsure. ''I'm gonna try to break the record'' I said while I was focused on the screen. ''Awww. deep inside your just another of my little mofo's'' He said with a teasing tone.

I just gave him a wide smile. ''Let me show, how directioners break the record. It was always a mistery to me'' I turned to my back was against the headboard, so Niall could see the screen. I first deleted all the tabs I openend ''Okay. step 1'' I said as if I was a teacher.

''tweet the video and the link. So more people know about it. Step 2 log out'' I said as I did it. ''Why?'' Niall asked me curious. ''because if you don't vevo only counts it as one view. even if you watched it a thousand times. Step 3 open 9 tabs, no more. If you do more than your computer crashes and you can't watch it at all. Step 4 open it in all the tabs.'' I said as I copied the link and pasted it in all 8 tabs.

Niall looked very intense to the scream as if I was speaking a foreign langue. ''Step 5 refresh the page, do not replay. Or it will count as only one view. Step 6 drag the page you just refreshed to the end of the line, so you will know that the first one is the first to refresh. Also wait a sec before you go back to the first tab or else the video will not load. So when you see that it says 0.05 sec you can go the first one again. I recommend to wait a few seconds between the vid's or else they all end at the same time. Step 7 If you refresh it, look at the number of views. If it doesn't go up, either way your still logged in or the counts freezes. That's good news, because that means that a lot of directioners are watching this video and youtube can't keep count. You should worry the most when you see change. because that means that not enough people are watching. then just repeat step 6 and 7 until you fall asleep on the bed.'' you said a bit out of breath.

''Wow. I didn't know that there's that much to it to break a record'' ''Well now you know. So I'm going downstairs and repeat this for a while.'' I said while standing up. Niall grabbed my waist so I was staying in bed. ''You know you can do it here right. I think it's cute when you fangirl over us'' I looked into his eyes and gave in almost immediatly.

''fine. I'll get the charger, can you just refresh the pages until I come back'' He nodded and I gave him the laptop. I grabbed it and ran back upstairs. Only to find Niall furiously clicking. I plugged the charger in and put it in the laptop. ''What's wrong sweetie?'' I asked ''Jesus, why do they have to end at the same time?'' ''aww, your a starting hardcore directioner.'' ''haha, very funny. could you please help me now'' ''Sure sweetie'' I said as I kissed his cheek and took the laptop from him. We spend the rest of the evening trying to break the record. Niall is a proffesinal recordbreaker now.

The End

yeeeeh another one done. Does anyone know if we broke the record though? I really hope we did it!:) I'm working on all kinds of other stories, so sorry if this one took a long time to write. Thank you for reading this!:) I LOVE YOUUU!! (okay I'm just weird:P. But who cares!!!)hope you liked it! btw if you have time, check out O2L (Our 2 Life) they are really funny!:) Hope to see you soon! Btw Smile beautiful!:D

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