Youre My Blessing

Start from the beginning

When Scott and Isaac aren't at Scott's place, they're at the Beacon hills clinic or the lacrosse field, just practicing. Isaac is glad they can still be friends around each other in public. Friends that just so happen to be fond of kissing each other. Constantly.

And yet, Lacrosse practice usually ends with the two of them making some purposely touchy tackles and involves more laughter than should be allowed. Isaac will take what he can get.


Now that Erica and Boyd are steadily getting back up to their full strength, training has taken on a whole new meaning.

The pack always heads to the preserve to train. It's isolated out there on the Hale property. Now that there are more wolves in the pack, they can undergo proper training techniques. Even Jackson joins the pack at regularly scheduled sessions so long as Lydia can make it. He is never denied her presence. Lydia proves to be a valuable member of the pack. She's just as smart, if not smarter, than Stiles.

Life, if anything, resumes at what Isaac can only describe as a normal pace. The alpha pack is not gone, but their presence has certainly backed off for the time being. It's mid-June, now, and the wolves are all thinking of more pressing matters, like pool parties at Lydia's house or trips to amusement parks. As much as the Hales try to keep the minds of the pack in one spot, it's impossible to get teenagers to think of much else.

Werewolves run hotter than humans, Isaac finds. Making it through the winter was a piece of cake, but now that the blistering summer sun beats down on him during outdoor practice sessions, he finds he sweats more. Clothes quickly become sticky and a hassle, especially during training. It is not uncommon for Stiles and Lydia to drive off in the Jeep only to return with popsicles to help cool down the wolves, so Derek sends them off for some refreshments.

With the humans gone, complete shifting is a must. If any of the wolves loses control, at least there are no humans around to tempt the bloodlust. Derek is testing for speed and agility today-much like the obstacle courses he used to construct in the railroad depot. This time, he's laid out a course through the preserve with various obstacles in the way.

Their task is simple-to go out and retrieve an item by scent. Peter chose the items so they're all obscure things like pumpkin candles or an open tube of Icy Hot. They're easy to track once the foreign smell is identified. What makes it difficult is that each wolf has to race to the item and make it back to the Hale house before their opponent.

Winners are granted a short respite. Losers must clear debris from inside the Hale house. With no power inside and therefore no working AC, the wood doesn't really create a very cool environment. If anything, it's even hotter in the house.

Boyd and Jackson go first. Boyd removes his shirt before he gets himself ready for the shift. Jackson gives him a solid glare and removes his shirt as well. Erica's eyes widen and she looks to Scott and Isaac with her jaw open and her thumb toward them. Isaac gives her a weak smile mostly because he has no idea what kind of reaction she wants from him.

The two wolves bound into the woods when Derek gives the signal and after a few sharp snarls, they're gone completely. It's quiet, so Isaac kicks a few stones around, trying to get them lodged into the trunks of nearby trees.

"Who wants to race me?" Erica asks, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

"I will," Isaac says quickly. He doesn't want to race Scott. It's not a matter of competition or accidentally letting him win-it's more a problem of having his wolf and Scott's wolf run together. So far, the two of them have been able to keep each other at bay, but if either one of them starts to shift, things get complicated. The last thing Isaac needs right now is to pounce on Scott in the middle of the woods and have to explain torn clothing to the rest of the pack. No, racing Erica was a great idea.

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