Chapter 59- late night food trips

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Dr Mackenzie soon walks in grinning as per usual, that's a good thing though.

"Good evening," she says and bows, I smile tiredly and Luca greets her.

"So we of course cannot check what gender the baby is because he or she is not yet fully developed, but we can see if the future alpha is developing correcting and is in place."

I nod and she lifts my shirt exposing my small belly, she rubs gel on it then places something cold on it.

I shiver and look at the screen, a tiny blob shows, "there the future alpha is," she grins and I smile.

She studies the television for a while and writes down notes, she removes the scanner.

"Well the baby seems to be developing properly and all that, I wish you the best of luck for now. Your next appointment will be in one month," I nod and she hands Luca a sheet of paper saying when my next appointment will be.

"Thank you," I say and she nods.

Luca lifts me into his arms and I pout, "can I please walk?" I ask and he sighs placing me down so my feet touch the ground, "thank you," he doesn't respond and we walk out of the pack house together.

My eyes start to droop again in tiredness, I lazily walk up the stairs with Luca right behind me and I yawn.

Once we reach our room I lie in bed and close my eye drifting to peaceful relevant sleep.
"Luca," I say nudging his shoulder, it's still night time but I'm hungry and I want to go to the shops.

"Hmm?" He tiredly says.

"I want some orange juice and crepe ingredients," he stays quiet obviously having fallen back asleep, "Luca," he lets out of breath of air and turns around to face me.


"Can I go to the shops?" I ask.

"Later," I pout.

"I'm hungry, I feel like orange juice and crepes," he sighs and turns on the lamp.

He rubs his eyes and I feel a tad bit bad for letting my cravings take over, I stand up and he yawns.

"What time is it?" He grumbles and I check the digital clock.

"2:30 in the morning," he groans and covers his face with a pillow. "I will go myself then," I shrug.

"No," he says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I said so," awe... He ruined the fun.

He lazily stands up and grabs his car keys, he hands me his sweater and I put it on. We put on our thongs (jandals, sandals, flip flops) and walk down stairs to the car.

I get in and he gets in after me, it takes us 14 minutes full of silence to get to the shops.

Once the car stops I get out and make my way to the supermarket, Luca slams the door shut and follows me.

I walk to the orange juice isle and put three in the basket, I see a cute dummy so I put that in the basket as well even though I don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl.

I grab the crepe ingredients and some baking materials and chuck them in there, Lucas eyes droop and I start to feel bad.

I grab the basket gently off him but he shakes his head, "no," he mumbles.

I snatch it off him, "Luca it's okay, you can go sleep in the passenger seat I will drive home," he shakes his head no. I sigh, "Luca," I repeat.

"No Lily it's fine," I shrug and get all the ingredients that I need.

I buy them since Luca is too tired to, we drive home well I drive us home because I got my drivers license and I insisted!

I was really excited but Luca was very reluctant, he eventually caved though.

I stop the car once we are home and Luca Carries out the groceries, he places them on the bench and I get the orange juice out as well as a cup.

"Go to bed," I say.

"I will wait," I wrap my arms around him and kiss him on the cheek.

"Please," he yawns and nods kissing me on the lips then walks upstairs.

I drink my orange juice and put all the cold Ingredients in the fridge, I will put the ones that don't need to be in the fridge away tomorrow.

I walk upstairs into our room and see Luca sleeping with a content smile, I grin and get in bed.

I lean over him and switch off the lamp then lay back on my side, I wrap my leg around his hips and my arm around his waist.

I feel his arm sneak around my own waist, I fall asleep in his arms.

To all you Americans, do you call thongs (not the underwear) sandals?

There seems to be confusion as well, so Luca didn't get Lily pregnant after one night of sex. She got pregnant when they first mated which was a week ago in this story, werewolf's develop quicker then humans so she found out quicker.

Does that clear things up?

So vote for either

1- Nick Bateman

2- Ian Somerhalder

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