He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, but when he realized that I wasn't paying attention anymore, he decided not to say anything. Instead we had a painfully awkward breakfast, and I almost regretted having said anything.

I couldn't help it though. Thinking about the current state of my life had me all kinds of upset. My father hadn't even been afforded a proper funeral yet, and yet those snakes had already disrespected his memory.

For as long as I can remember, I've always questioned why I was never loved by them. My only sin was to be born a big child, and the older I got, the bigger I got, which meant more hatred my way. None of them bothered to at least help me with my weight. They all simply shunned me.

"What kind of clothes do you like?" Aramis broke the silence as we waited for the bill.

"It doesn't bother me. I just get dressed to get dressed," I replied.

He sent me a weird look. "Aren't women supposed to be obsessed with clothing?"

"Maybe the women who throw themselves at your feet are," I snapped.

He put his hands up defensively, "Hey, it was a simple question. No need to get bitchy about it."

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"We'll just go to a couple of stores and we can take whatever you want," he suggested.

"I forgot my wallet back at the mansion," I replied.

"I may not be a billionaire, but I'm pretty sure my wallet can hold its own," he said with a small smile.

Did Aramis Van de Woodsen just tell a joke?

Nothing more was said as he paid the bill and helped me up. We left the restaurant and I learnt that we were walking to the shops since there was a whole strip of them across the road. Our first stop was a shop that sells some very high end fashion.

Being the Adonis that he is, Aramis attracted attention from the female specie the moment we walked in. My green monster was going unjustifiably crazy in my mind, and I say unjustifiably because what right do I have to be jealous of the attention on him?

He isn't mine.

Hell, I don't even know if I would want him to be. The man is good looking yes, but he's also borderline insufferable. He's always in a hurry, has this mysterious thing about him, looks at me like he's looking into my soul and let's not forget that he's adamant on protecting me.

Whether I want him to be mine clearly isn't even debatable.

"Hello Sir. How may we help you on this beautiful morning?" the saleslady asked perkily.

"I'd like to get some clothes for my friend," he replied.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've been friendzoned.

As if his words didn't hurt enough, the woman's smile widened even more. "Why certainly Sir."

The woman was more than helpful as she showed me around the different sections of the store. I wish I could say that the torture ended there, but the same thing went on even in the next six stores. It's like these women were convinced that the way to Aramis' heart, was through being overly nice to me.

The stupid brute didn't even pay them any attention.

And it's safe to say that I was not in the best of moods.

"I'm pretty sure these clothes should last you a year. Now you have to pick clothes for me," he said to me.

We were standing outside the car. By the time we'd gone to the third store, he'd realized that perhaps having the car closer to us was a better idea, so he'd gone to get it. He wasn't kidding about the amount of clothes we'd ended up buying.

Introducing Evie Woods - NaNoWriMo 2016 NovelWhere stories live. Discover now