The End

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Mark stared at the door, waiting...



The door was thrown open, and Mark jumped up, "Thomas!" He screamed, grabbing his brother into a tight hug. The two fell onto the ground with a huff, Mark burring his face into his shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay..." Thomas sighed, hugging him tighter. The two sat on the kitchen floor for a few minutes before Uncle Tim shooed them into the living room to watch TV while he made dinner.

Mark refused to leave Thomas's side that day, telling him everything that had been happening while he was gone. "I'm glad the play turned out good. I'm sorry I couldn't go..." Thomas sighed, looking guilty the whole time Mark talked. 

"It's fine, I'm glad you're home..." Thomas nodded, and then sent him off to bed with a groan from Mark. The next morning almost seemed like a dream, and he knew once it was when he opened his eyes. He wasn't in his room, everything was bathed in a cream. He sat up, looking around. What was this?

He got up, walking to a mirror, and jumping slightly by how much older he looked. His hair was also a bright red, and he had a very nice beard going on. What was this? He turned when the door opened, and practically fell backward when Jack poked his head inside his room, smiling and saying, "Morning sweetheart." Mark stared.

What was this? He watched Jack cross the room toward him, and he almost shoved him back when Jack wrapped his arms around his much more older body, "What are you doing?" He asked, looking over his shoulder. 


Mark didn't answer, his tongue was tied and he was so confused his mind was about to fall out of his head. Jack started running his hands up his back, rubbing small circles, "You're tense, are you okay?" Mark didn't say anything. He just, stared. 

What was this?

Jack rolled his eyes, cupping his face, "Fine, be quite." Mark tried to say something, but all he could do was open his mouth and close it. Jack leaned close, "Oh don't say anything..." He leaned closer.........

What was this...


"MARK!" He was startled so hardcore he fell off his bed and sat up quickly, his brother Thomas was standing at the door, surprised, then started cackling. "Get up you jumpy freak." His brother laughed as he left the room.

Mark dressed, staring at the mirror, he was back to his normal self. He didn't like that at all, he didn't like having dreams in particular. He shook his head, trying to rid his head of thoughts. He walked down stairs quietly, Uncle Tim jumping when he entered the room and sitting down on the bar stool. 

"God boy, I've never been so spooked!" He sat down a pancake, letting Mark eat it slowly. Mark walked out, getting on his repaired bike and drove to school, his mind felt like it was slow, everything was in reverse for most of the day. He walked into drama, and he legit felt his stomach lurch from seeing Mr. Jack that day.

Mr. Jack walked in late and happily as ever, announcing a new project. "It's gonna be a love story, yes, I know boys bite your groans. But I was going to take a vote." He said, suddenly smiling widely, "So news is going around, gays are now legal-"

"YES!" A girl screeched from the other side of the room, "A GAY PLAY PLEASE!" Mark looked back, surprised by the idea. Mr. Jack cackled, "Let's hear everyone else's thoughts?" Everyone knew Jenna Marbles was pretty much a ruler and got her way. She looked at the group of semi-adults, smiling, "No objections?" She said, jumping up and joining Mr. Jack on the stage. 

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