The Play....Oh Boy

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Jack waved, he was obviously drunk out of his mind, and Mark didn't blame him, maybe he should just relax. "You know, you're way to young to be here, but if you don' say a word about me being here, I won' tell a soul." He smiled, bumping him. 

Mark was eighteen now, an adult, and was graduating this year, so if his brother did find out, Mark didn't need to listen to his bullshit. But he just couldn't drink the liquid foaming around in the red plastic cup. "Wait, Mr. Jack-"

"Jack, please."

"Jack, what are you doing here, aren't you suppose to be going on a trip?" 

"Yeah, going tomorrow, I was dragged here against my will anyway." Jack took his cup from Mark's hand, draining the thing. Mark didn't say anything, but he was very confused. Suddenly the crowd around him gasped, and he remembered the bottle sitting in the middle. It was pointing between a girl with blond hair and a guy with brunette.  

Mark looked away when they tried becoming one with another. Jack noticed the bottle as well, and turned to Mark, "You're not drunk enough for this game..."

Mark couldn't believe a teacher was telling him this, Jack handed him something off a nearby table, and Mark glared at it. "I don't drink." Jack nodded, "I noticed." Mark tilted his head, and Mark sipped it. It was like an energy drink on drugs. 

There were probably drugs in it now that he thought about it. "Which do you prefer now?" Jack asked, smiling. Mark shook his head as he handed it back to Jack, but he refused to take it, "Drink more, it's not gonna kill you." Mark was suddenly regretting coming here. He sipped on it more, and the world became shaky, his head feeling light as a cloud. He was processing everything though. 

The bottle game was becoming more funny, and he eventually finished whatever was in that cup. Mark didn't drink anything else, and Jack was sitting next to him with a grin plastered on his face. Something deep down said to run, but he sat still, laughing and giggling at the smallest joke. 

The bottle suddenly landed between them. Jack went deadly quite, his grin washed off his face. "No..." He started to say, and Mark was backing up as well, "HEY WE DON'T JUDGE, DO IT!" The crowd started to chant, Mark feeling his cheeks heat up. Jack shrugged, but was backing off from the crowd. He was jostled forward, Mark grabbed by the arms and forced to stand up. 

He was looking at Jack's blue eyes, his head fuzzy with what was happening. Jack was really trying to get out of...what where they doing? Mark couldn't remember. Someone suddenly whispered, "kiss him" in his ear, the drink making him agree with the person. 

Mark kissed Jack suddenly, very lightly, then was pulled away by the crowd, laughing and hollering. Mark stumbled from the crowd eventually, and he was standing in front of the exit. He walked out, the clear air hitting him and clearing his mind. Mark was starting to slowly forget what was happening, where he was going, all he knew was the cold air felt nice.

He found himself in his room the next moment. Chica was sleeping on his bed, and Mark gladly curled up and joined her. 



Bro what even happened last night?


I was pretty sure I had some drugs but I'm not sure...Why did you take us there Bob?


Dunno, to thicken the plot...


That doesn't make sense...

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