Saying Goodbye

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Death wasn't fun, sickness wasn't fun, holding on to your last breath was agonizing. Mark fell to his knees, and slowly crawled over to his brother. "T-Thomas." He said, shoving him, nothing. "Thomas stop." He whispered.

"THOMAS WAKE UP!" He yelled, anger building up inside him, "You promised. It was just me and you forever, you promised..." Mark sobbed, his glasses falling off his nose. "Thomas please." He cried, shaking him.


"Thomas please wake up..." 

"Mark I need you to step away." Mark looked up at the masked man, "Fuck. Off." Mark snarled at him, and looked back at his brother. He stared at Thomas. He was still alive, he knew he was. The ambulance pulled up, and Mark realized they would be removing two body's off the premises. "Uncle Tim..." He whispered, looking at the house.  

What would happen to the house? What would happen with everything...Mark looked back down. He was done crying. He was done feeling weak. He was angry, what in Gods name did his parents do, what did uncle Tim do, what did Thomas do, to make them deserve this. 

Mark clenched his fists, and felt more tears fall down his face, when he thought it was over. 

"Oh my..." Mark looked up in surprise, Mr. Jack had a gun balanced in his hand, and he was looking at Thomas with remorse. He looked Mark. Pity wasn't shown on his face, it was fear. Jack sat down next to him, putting the gun on the ground. "I shot the guy...But I didn't know he pulled the trigger right as I did..." Mark stared at him.

"Who was that?" He asked. 

"It was a criminal Cry and Felix have been hunting down, I was coming over with them to see Thomas when we saw him drag your brother outside. Cry handed me the gun and...But it looks like we were to late." Jack explained, not looking at him. 

"Jack..." Mark whispered, but didn't finish his sentence. "I understand if you don't want to come to school anymore..." Jack said, looking around the yard, "I'd hate to see this place rot away as well, I wonder what you're going to do with it..." Mark didn't even think about taking over the place. 

But suddenly Mark realized what he was doing, taking his mind off Thomas. Mark turned around. "NO WAIT!" He tried to go after the stretcher taking him away, but arms grabbed his waist, pulling him back. "Mark no..."

"NO DON'T TAKE HIM AWAY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" But no matter what he did, Jack hung onto him, refusing to let him go. He kept fighting till he saw his uncle being towed away as well, and finally he stopped fighting. He was crying again, and he leaned against Jack, letting him pull him into his lap and wrap his arms around him to cry. 

"It's going to change, everything, but you'll be okay..." Jack assured, but he knew nothing was, nothing never will be. But he did appreciate the comfort. He didn't realize how tired he was, "Jack, I don't want to live here...But I want the place..." Mark whispered, slowly falling asleep, "I don't want to live here because it would only make me sad, but...Uncle Tim loved the place, I want to keep it...Keep..." He was slowly falling asleep, and he was out when he heard a final, "Don't worry, I'll be here when you wake up."


Mark did awake in a different bed, not his own, but he was surprised to see he was in a hospital room. "Good morning." Said a sweet nurse, "Sorry, but we had to have that man who was here leave, but he'll be back in an hour." She giggled, and left with a swish. Mark stared at the ceiling, confused. 

He lost what time was, but soon enough Jack walked into the room with a few other people. Jack didn't look to happy, but he smiled all the most when he saw Mark wide awake, "Thank the gods, you're awake, it's been about a week." Mark's eyes widened.

"You've been in and out, but they were worried you might go into a coma..." Jack took his hand, smiling at him. "How ya feeling?" 

"What happened to them?"

"A funeral will be in a few weeks. But I'm afraid they both passed..." Jack said, looking pained. 

"Jack! You didn't have to tell him that!" Said the principal of the school.

"Thank you..." He only said, tilting his head away from the people. He wanted to be alone again. "Um, Mark, before you fall back asleep, we need you to answer some questions..." Mark didn't respond, but when Jack squeezed his hand, he finally looked at them. "You are 18?"


"You family was the Ficsback family?"


"You lost all remaining family members?"


"Your uncle had a lung cancer?"

"He did?" Mark furrowed his eyebrows, looking at the lady. She nodded sadly, "I'm sorry I thought you knew..." He didn't answer.

"Would you like to keep the house?"


She scribbled something down, "Well, you are eighteen, so I guess you have things in place. But the company I work for will be giving you some money every month since you're still in school and the house will be kept on close watch. Will you be living there?" Mark was silent for a moment.

"Not for awhile, he said he wanted to stay with someone for a while." Jack suddenly said, and Mark nodded, "Who then?" 

"Is it okay if I stay with Jack?" He asked, looking at the lady hopefully. "Yes of course." She said smiling lightly. "Mark do you need a break from school? I could give you a few weeks but if not, you can drop out..."

"No, I'll be back by next Monday..." Jack looked at him, but nodded. "Okay then. It's settled." 

"You'll also need to see a therapist." 


Everyone looked at him, "No I don't want to...I don't need one..." He said, the idea making his insides turn. His brother made him do it for a few years and he hated it. After finally refusing to go, Thomas pulled him out, and noticed how much better he became by just asking how he was.

That's why Mark liked Jack, he asked if he was okay, and listened when things weren't. "Um, then some pills? We can't have you walking around with a trauma like that, you might do somethings..." 

"I'll keep an eye on him don't worry." Jack cut in, making her nod. "Alright, then rest up Mark, I'll be seeing you soon."


Big brother and father figure is something Jack didn't take on. More of a friend. He never told him what to do, asked to see his wrists oddly, and always asked how the day was for the next few months. 

Mark knew he was okay, but sometimes he would just star for hours awake at the ceiling. the sinking feeling of his family all dead. 

"Mark?" Jack walked into his room one night, Mark was having a break down, so he wished Jack would leave, "I didn't see you today...well except for drama, but still..." He walked over and sat on Mark's bed. 

"Graduation day is coming up..." He said, not looking at Mark.

"My grades are good if you're wondering." Mark said finally. "I know..." Jack said, looking at the floor. "I just got thinking, about you, how you're handling things...I'm here if you need anything." Mark nodded.

He hugged Jack, "Yeah, thanks..." They stayed like that for almost to long, but Jack left with a kiss on the forehead and a goodnight, Mark falling asleep better than any other night. 

A/N Two more chapters and story's over! Thank everyone who has been reading and voting, love ya! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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