School Again

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Monday was always a dreaded day.

Mark slowly dressed, ate something, fed Chica, and was ready to walk when Uncle Tim offered the Bike to Mark, and of course he said yes.

Mark rode into the parking lot, and everyone ether whistled or complimented his bike. Few offered to clean it up, but Mark turned them all down.

Mark walked into drama finally, ready to get home as fast as possible. History and Math where starting to weigh on him, threatening him to not graduate if he didn't fix his grades.

The window was still broken, Wilford was on the stage prancing around like a deer, and everyone dazed at him like he was the most important person ever.

Mr. Jack bounced in, smiling like he just won something big.

"Hello everyone!" He smiled, shooing Wilford off the stage. "Let's continue with yesterdays lesson." 

Mark and everyone sat down, and listen to Mr. Jack's voice. It was very nice, soothing almost. Mark could listen to it everyday. 

"Mark why don't you come up and help me this time." Mark blinked, and slowly stood up. Everyone looked at him, ether with a bored or a jealous expression. 

"Okay! So, we are...Going against some gangsters! And we're trying to get out of a fist fight. Wilford, Wade, and Molly come up here and be the gangsters." 

The three jumped up on the stage, Wade giving him a dumb smile, and Wilford only glaring at him. "Can Mark be a gangster? He is his friend." Wilford asked, pointing at Wade. 

"Nope! Already decided, Now let's begin, Wade start us off." 

Wade blinked, and said the first thing that came to his mind, "You guy's wanna fight!?" 

Mark tried not to smile, but  Molly beat him to it. She giggled, and Mr. Jack also chuckled. 

"No we don't actually." Mark grumbled, smiling at Wade.

"Oh come on, you gotta have some money on you!" Molly tried, but failed to keep a straight face. Mark buffed up his chest, "I might look rich but you are wrong!" He yelled at Wade, and Wade glared at him. 

"Oh come on, I know you wanna!" Wade held his fists up, and so did Mark. 

They pretended to fight each other, but it ended up with Wade giving him an awkward hug. 

"Same time tomorrow!" Mark yelled, and Wade nodded, and the walked away. 

Mr. Jack clapped his hands laughing. "Well that went not as I thought it would have went!" He looked at Molly and Wilford, "Okay, now let's have you two try." 

"I wanna do it with Mark." Wilford said, and walked over to Mark. 

Mark narrowed his eyes, and Wilford gave him a evil smile. People in the crowd yelled, "Finally!" or "It's about time!" 

Mr. Jack didn't put in a comment, only stood off to the side and watched. Mark sighed, and pushed past him to start the scene. 

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" Wilford growled. 

"Going home." Mark said plainly, turning to him. 

"You got any money?" He smiled, stepping towards him. 

"No, left it with my girlfriend." Mark shrugged, and turned around. Wilford grabbed his arm, and quite painfully. Mark winced, and Wilford faced him. "Well, looks like I'm gonna need your coat." 

Mark blinked, "Uh, trust me, there's nothing in the pockets." 

"I know, but its cold tonight." Mark pretended to take off a coat, and handed it to Wilford. 

Suddenly out of no where, Wilford slammed his fists into Mark's face. 

"I want more!" Everyone gasped, whispering about how real that looked. 

Mark's vision went black and white, and he hit his head hard on the stage. "W-wait!" Mark held a hand up, gasping. Wilford kicked his stomach, and everyone cheered saying how real it the fight was. Mark got up, trying to get away from Wilford. 

He was absolutely insane. Wilford grabbed Mark's shirt and threw him down on the stage, that's when Wade yelled at Wilford to stop. 

He kicked Mark again, and again, and eventually by his face. Because he blacked out. He remembered Mr. Jack shoving Wilford away, and someone yelling. 

"Should we get the nurse?" Mark slowly came back to the real world. He opened his eyes, Mr. Jack being the first thing he saw. He was holding Mark up in a chair, examining him. "Hey..." Mr. Jack smiled. 

But It went away once Mark saw Wilford. He instantly shoved everyone away, but Bob and Wade held him back. 

Wilford was being consulted with the principle. "Why the hell did you do that!" Mark yelled, shoving Wade away, trying to get to him. 

"Do you know what would have happened if I ended up in the hospital!" Mark yelled, Wilford looked almost happy with the anger Mark had. Which snapped him, he was small, but he knew how to slip out of people's grasp. 

He launched himself at Wilford, knocking him over. 

Sadly, he didn't get to hit him. Mr. Jack picked Mark up off him, and sighed. "Mark, you need to take a break." He shoved Mark into a room. Mark assumed the class was gone, but he smashed at the door. He wanted to rip Wilford's face off. 

He slid down against the door, tears falling down his bruised face. He looked around the room he was in. It was just a small room with cupboards, why the hell was this here?

Mark opened up some, and all they contained was props. That's why. Mark slammed them shut, and stormed around the tiny room. The room only made him more upset. He thought of Thomas, who woke up Sunday. How he's gonna react to all the bullshit. 

How Uncle Tim would only shake his head at him as he looked at the bruises. The door opened, and Mr. Jack stepped in. 

"Let me out." Mark growled. 

"No." Mr. Jack folded his arms. He leaned against the door, "We need to make sure you don't go hunt Wilford down." 

"I don't have to do this." Mark snapped. 

"Well I have Ms. Spears permission." 

"That proves nothing." 

"Mark..." Mr. Jack sighed, pinching his nose. Mark realized how tired he looked, and felt bad for back talking. 

"Okay. What do you want to tell me." 

Mr. Jack looked at the ground, "Wilford is pretty much insane. I only chose him today because I wanted to see you guys go at each other. When he punched you, it looked pretty real, and I thought you guys where pretending. I then realized he wasn't faking it after I told him to stop and you stopped moving." 

Mark was silent. It was just an act, Mark thought Wilford accidentally punched him at first as well. He looked at Mr. Jack. 

"I want to switch into a different class." Mark finally said, and he saw the disappointment flicker across Mr. Jack's face. 

"Okay, which class." Mr. Jack stood up straighter. Mark was quite. 

"I uh...I'll think about it...Can I go?" 

Mr Jack nodded, and stepped away from the door, "Please don't go hunt Wilford down." Mark nodded, and left. 

Thomas was sitting on the couch with Chica when he got home. He was really dreading to go home. Uncle Tim was in the kitchen, cooking up some chicken. 

"Hey Mark." He smiled, but it slowly disappeared as he saw Mark's face. "What happened?" He put the spatula down, and Thomas gasped. 

"What on earth." The two came over, and Chica whined. Mark sighed, and let the two sit him down and fret over him, sending him to his room and told him to go right to bed.

Which he did. 

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