She held on it tighter...Within this tug of war, Nandini didn't realize when the duvet had slipped off her body and both of them were tugging on it for no reason.. Manik, who was well aware of the fact, was tugging on it with his eyes stuck on her bare upper body and a victorious smirk on his face..

Nandini felt his gaze on her body and looked down at herself.. Her eyes widened in shock and realization and she immediately pulled the duvet, covering herself.. Embarrassed, she looked away, her cheeks giving competition to the tomatoes..

Manik, having understood her discomfort, held on her chin and turned her face towards his.. He placed his lips on hers and kissed her lips gently.. He sucked her lips slowly, as if comforting her and she immediately melted into the warmth of his lips and she too responded to the kiss with equal tenderness.. He felt her rigid body relaxing in his arms and smiled against her lips..

Once they pulled apart, he cupped her cheeks and pecked her forehead affectionately.. She hugged him tightly and he happily gave in.. But now that she was relaxed, how could he leave a chance to tease her..

"By the way baby, you shouldn't be embarrassed in front of me.." He started in a serious tone.. "After all, nothing there I haven't seen before.." He raised his eyebrow suggestively as she broke the hug to look at him.. "In fact, I am well acquainted with the whooole package.." He said huskily, deliberately emphasising the word 'whole'..

"Once a jerk, always a jerk.." She smacked his arm while he laughed shamelessly..



"What's up babes?" Mukti chirped cheerfully as she entered inside the jam room picking up on Aliya's attention who was busy looking through her phone..

"Hey mukti.." Aliya replied back and then paused for a moment as she looked at her face with a scrutinizing gaze.. "Wow mukti... You look too happy today... Am I missing something??" She asked raising her brows...

"Oh you sure are missing on a lot of things.. I wanted to tell this to all of you together.. But since you are already here, a little cheating wouldn't harm.."

"What are you talking about mukti??"

"Okay... So here it goes.. Me and Maddie are together now.." Mukti said smilingly...

"Oh my god mukti... When did this happen?? And how??? I want to know everything.." Aliya asked excitedly...

"Well... It was quite obvious between us.. But then last night, we just gave into it.. So that's it...and then what followed was I am sure you won't like to know that.." Mukti said playfully and Aliya shook her head, giggling...

"I have never seen you this happy about getting into a relationship, mukti.."

"Yeah's just that... Maddie..he is different.. I really like him.. And you know what, he is too good in bed.. I just can't get over last night.." Mukti couldn't just stop gushing, but Aliya stopped her...

"Stop right there mukti... I really don't want to know more.."

"Fiiine... Let's go to canteen.. I am famished.." Mukti said patting her belly..

"Sure you are... After such strenuous workout.." Aliya teased her and both of them moved towards canteen...


Aliya and mukti were talking casually when Navya and Cabir entered the canteen, their hands intertwined and both of them sticking to each other. As they sat with the duo, mukti and Aliya both raised their eyebrows, giving Cabir a mischievous smirk, who in return kissed Navya's cheek and winked at them..

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