Chapter 12

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I could tell exactly when Mother left the building, because I heard David suddenly start cursing outside of the interrogation room. I had no idea what to do; my brain was still processing exactly what happened. Suddenly, Emma slammed her fist on the table, startling me. I watched her pace back and forth across the room, muttering under her breath. Her face was hard, like stone. Her eyes burned with frustration and rage. If I were completely honest with myself, in that moment she scared me a little bit. That look meant one of two things: she was going to act rashly and possibly get herself killed, or she was about to save the day. Or both.

"We need to talk to Gold," she said suddenly.

"What?" I asked.

"We need to talk to Gold," she repeated. "He's known Cora the longest out of all of us, and may have even had something to do with it." She looked at me, and her face softened. She must have seen the doubt in my expression. "It's a long shot, I know," she said in a softer tone, "but it's the only lead we've got."

I could see her point. Rumplestiltskin has played a part in the life of just about everyone in this town; I wouldn't be surprised if he did have something Even if he didn't have a part in what happened here, perhaps he would be able to uncover more than we'd been able to. Besides, I could tell by her expression that her mind was set.

"Alright," I said.

Emma's eyes widened, surprised at how quickly I agreed. Then she smiled. She walked towards me and grasped my hand. "Thank you," she said in a low voice. Then she gently helped me out of my seat, never letting go of my hand. When I stood she pulled me closer to her, and gave me a quick kiss. I longed for more, but we both knew that time was of the essence. Despite the short duration, it was adorable. As we pulled away, I saw her grinning from ear to ear. She looked so silly and cheesy, I couldn't help it. I started giggling uncontrollably, and her questioning look only made it worse. She pressed her lips together, trying desperately not to laugh. It didn't work, and we stood in the middle of the interrogation room giggling like a couple of middle-schoolers.

Suddenly David came bursting into the room. Emma and I both took a step back and looked away awkwardly. Thankfully, David took no notice. He started pacing back and forth in the small space, his face hard.

Emma waited a moment before speaking. "We'll meet you at the house later, okay Dad?"

He looked up at her, confused. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"We're going to talk to Gold," she replied.

"You're going to what?!" he exclaimed just as Mary Margaret walked into the room. "Why?"

"He's our best shot at figuring out what happened to Cora all of those years ago."

"And why do we need to know that?" he challenged.

"Because it could show us how to defeat her!" she exclaimed.

"Could?" he asked incredulously. "You don't sound very sure."

"Maybe...but it's the best chance we've got."

David was quiet for a moment. Mary Margaret put a hand on his arm. "She's right, David," she whispered. He tensed, but didn't say anything. He was beginning to see the logic behind Emma's suggestion.

What the Heart Wants (Sequel to Pixie Dust Never Lies)Where stories live. Discover now