Chapter 10: Jinx's P.O.V.

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I stood there watching my two girls sleep. Ava was curled up in the bed with our daughter laying o her chest. The sight before me was beautiful.

I smiled to myself.

“The babies name is Agitha Grace Morgan.” Someone told me in a whisper.

I looked behind me to see the woman who had been with my angels. I smiled at her weakly before turning back to watch my girls. I leaned against the open door frame watching them; my plan was to make sure they were perfectly safe and away from me as much as possible. And at that I swallowed hard fighting off the raging emotions that I held within me. I couldn’t lose anyone else in my family and right now my girls were number one.

I almost laughed aloud when Ava began to snore in her deep slumber. The baby began to stir on her chest and whimper lightly.

“Aren’t you going to take the child, your highness?” The woman asked. She continued hesitantly when I whipped around to look at her. “I mean so that the girl can get some sleep, she’s exhausted.”

I turned to look at the baby, still squirming.

“I don’t know how.” I whispered.

The woman chuckled then walked to Ava. Ever so gently, she lifted her and brought her to me. As soon as my daughter was in my arms I froze. She seemed so breakable which she was but I just felt so scared. And then I saw her eyes, it was my own staring back at me but it was my daughters eyes and not my own.

I smiled down at her. “Hi baby girl.”

Everything at that moment became so real, I was a father of a beautiful baby girl. This poor girl was gunna be a spoiled daddy’s girl but at that thought my smile faded as I realized that I shouldn’t be thinking this.

I looked up to find Macy gone and with one more quick glance at Ava, I went to the baby’s room. As soon as I entered she began to cry. I looked at her huge bright blue eyes, terrified. Instantly, I began rocking her. “Shh, baby. Come on, Ags. Be quiet or you’ll wake mommy.” The words left my mouth before I could stop them from escaping. “I, uh, I mean…” I trailed off as Agitha continued to cry.

“Feeding her might do the trick.” Ava’s quiet voice scared me. I turned quickly, realizing what was happening. I regrettably handed the baby to her before scowling and leaving the room but before the door shut behind me, I heard her quiet whisper. “I still love you.” Tears sprang to my eyes once again and I punched the wall. How could I have allowed myself to become such a fucking softy.

Ava’s P.O.V.

I stared at the door as I listened to Jinx’s angry footsteps as he walked away from us yet again.

“He’s just trying to protect you.” Macy’s voice startled me and I turned to find her staring out of the little bedroom’s window. Where does she come from? If she keeps doing this, I’ll have a heart attack.

I sat down quietly and began to feed the baby. “How is this protecting us? Every time he turns his back on us, my heart breaks just a little more.” I was surprised that I could think of all this without crying. I guess I’d just cried myself dry in the days before.

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